"From beautiful images, we will move on to beautiful thoughts, from beautiful thoughts to beautiful life and from beautiful life to absolute beauty."
In our socially oriented time, when the life of a person began to be assessed as a measure of success, recognition and achievement of specific goals, comprehensive development of the child by means of music and rhythmic movements plays an important role in the development of creative and harmoniously successful personality of the child.
In the life of every family there comes a moment when parents think about what creative team to send a child to and how to develop it. Many people choose to dance for their child, for kids, as a rule, everything starts with the rhythmic and rhythmic movements. In these classes, the child will not only learn to dance beautifully, move, hold the posture, but also will develop spiritually. After all, dance - it is creativity, dance - it is the kind of art that will help the child to open up, show others how he sees the world. What to say about how important for girls and boys the concept of "first dance" is because they want to feel like real princesses and princes at balls, as in fairy tales.
Children's dances are the study of basic means of expression (movements and poses, plasticity and facial expressions, rhythm), which are associated with the emotional impressions of the little person from the world around them. Children's dance begins with rhythmic, where the study of dance begins with simple movements, often more like a game, but in this game, the child learns the things that are very useful in his life.
The main goal of the rhythmic lessons with preschool children is the comprehensive development of the child, the development of musicality and rhythm in the classroom, the formation of creative abilities and the development of individual qualities of the child, means of music and rhythmic movements.
Compulsory clothing and footwear for classes
For the girls. Gymnastic swimsuit (white). Chiffon skirt (in tone of the colour of the leotard). White ballet, socks or elk. Hair should be collected in a bundle. For boys. White T-shirt. Shorts are dark. White or black ballet.
An important role in the creative activity and development of the spiritual world of the child plays the formation of aesthetic taste. How can one develop the aesthetic taste?
Aesthetic taste is brought up, firstly, thanks to the development of the ability to feel the expressiveness of art, to understand the language of art, and secondly, theoretical training, and thirdly, the creative and performing activities of children at children's matinees, concerts and creative evenings.
The approach to each child is to help reveal his or her creative talents, to teach him or her to communicate, to express himself or herself, to feel confident in life, to increase the ability to adapt to various life changes.
An interesting observation is that at this age children are reluctant to play negative characters, preferring to portray princesses and princes, but they enthusiastically compose a dance of anger, becoming angry, performing her dance.
Dance movements contribute to the development of children's fantasy and improvisation. Dance studies help to reveal the child's character and individuality in the most vivid way, as well as to develop such qualities as purposefulness, organization and diligence. The fact that classes are held in a group makes children more relaxed, open and sociable.
Despite the large number of schools and dance studios in the supplementary education system, few people are able to truly own their bodies. Most people lack freedom and ease of movement. This is due to the fact that every person has had psychological blocks acquired since childhood that slow down progress in dancing classes.
Starting dancing in childhood, you can prevent the emergence of negative attitudes, change the way of thinking, improve attitudes towards others. Thus, dance is more than just a movement to music. It is a way of working on oneself, helping to achieve success in any field of activity. He or she develops the abilities that govern the interaction between spirit and body and help to show outside what is inside of us. Dancing lessons give a child the joy of movement, communication, enrich his inner world and help him to know himself.
Thus, from the early years of a child's life, it is simply necessary to start with the development of choreography and music in the child, which in turn contributes to the child's comprehensive development, rhythmic movements and more successful work of the brain, and the process of rhythmic studies gives children true joy and the ability to express themselves in their creativity.