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Amazing animals

Beaver: Hatural builder

Image of peter lösch from Pixabay
Image of peter lösch from Pixabay

Excellent builders and excellent engineers who are able to build a dam with a length of 700 meters from improvised material in the shortest possible time and with very high quality. No, this is not an advertisement of the construction team, but just a description of an amazing rodent, living mainly in the water elements. And so let's get acquainted with a beaver.

They still have a column in front of it or a tree, in the right place he builds a dam or not, it's people's problems, not beaver. If he has decided that the place is a good one, and the pole just fits in perfectly with his architectural plan, there's nothing he can do about it. It will take only one day to cut down a tree with a diameter of 40 centimetres for the animal.

These great toilers live in special huts, build them over the surface of the water, but the entrance to it will certainly be underwater. In order to see better, being in the underwater space in the process of evolution of their eyelids became transparent, and the tail began to function as a rudder. They can stay under water for up to 15 minutes without coming to the surface.

 Image of peter lösch from Pixabay
Image of peter lösch from Pixabay

In a beaver family, everything is run by the oldest female, here is a natural matriarchy. Beavers live with their parents for up to two years, and then it's time to live independently. During this time they help parents to prepare strategic reserves for winter, because they eat bark and herbs growing in water, such as irises and reeds. The average beaver family stores up to 70 cubic meters of wood for winter. The most interesting thing is that beavers from birth are able to build dams and huts. Science explains how genetic memory works.

Beavers will never attack fish, they are extremely peaceful. But the animals themselves would not mind eating foxes, wolves and even bears, as well as people, where without it.

In the Middle Ages it was believed that beaver is a fish. It was done not by ignorance, but by bypassing the church foundations, because in the posts to eat meat was categorically forbidden, and if the animal lives in the water means he is a fish. This is the harsh medieval logic.