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Amazing animals

Wolverine amazing beast

 Image of Andrea Bohl from Pixabay
Image of Andrea Bohl from Pixabay

Wolverine is not a brutal Hugh Jackman with glands in his hands, but first of all a clever and extremely brave predator. Even the bear is not afraid of this relatively small animal, although the latter tries not to engage in a battle with a belligerent wolverine.

This animal is able to kill an elk, although that time in five times more predator, but thanks to a special structure of the jaws and very sharp teeth wolverine easily chews very large bones. In an attack on the victim, the predator can reach speeds of up to 50. It feeds mainly on sick and old animals, but does not mind eating young animals. Hare and roe deer, deer and mountain goats, birds and mice, fish and berries are the main menu of the animal.

And the animal does not squeal and scavenge and it is necessary to call him a "forest attendant", not a wolf. She will eat up all the other luckier hunters, and if the meat is more than she is able to eat, wolverine will make a reserve. Even the snares set up by a man and those are attacked, for which people do not like her very much. After all, the animal needs to eat at least 2 kg of meat per day.

 Image of skeeze from Pixabay website
Image of skeeze from Pixabay website

Despite the fact that the weight of the animal rarely exceeds 20 kg. It is covered with so much thick wool that the snow under it does not melt, and the paws are so wide that they do not fall into the deepest snow. And it helps her very much, because the animal lives in temperate and northern latitudes, and there is very cold.

Because of their voracious nature, wolverines prefer to live alone and actively defend their territory from their relatives, meeting together only to continue the family, while communicating with each other yawning, similar to the sounds made by a fox. Only a female with a young fox lives for about two years, and once that age is reached, the calves leave.

They usually live in rock crevices or pits left by fallen trees, but do not stay in one place for a long time, all the time roaming on their hunting grounds. In two months it usually travels several hundred kilometers. He climbes trees and swims in the water beautifully. He has exceptional vision, hearing and flair.