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Powerful motivation for success from the book The Greatest Secret. The incredible power of thought. Part 2

The very idea that one day you will be able to do what seems impossible now is a magnet that attracts the probability of this event closer and closer, depending on how often you think about it and how much you wait for it It happened.

Just believing that one day your dreams will come true will work wonders.


I don’t know a single person who, if he had faith in himself, self-confidence, desire to succeed and work hard, working to achieve the goal that he set for himself, would not achieve success in life.

The desire, combined with inspiration and confidence, is transformed into the most effective realization of our desires.

The strongest motivation for success:

The forces of our mind and consciousness realize what we believe in, what we desperately want and what we are ready to achieve by investing maximum effort.

In other words, all the resources of the mind work to fulfill our expectations, aspirations and desires.

From an alloy of our desires and aspirations, clearly formulated in the soul, consciousness builds a kind of model that projects into our life and begins to change it in order to synchronize the imaginary picture with reality.

Doubts destroy this ideal picture of your future, interfere with the work of your consciousness, tuned to its embodiment.

Constantly say to yourself: “I have to achieve what I want; this is my legal right, and I will never give up on it. ”

The huge potential lies in the ability to set yourself up to the fact that you were created for success, health, happiness, prosperity, that the world will become poor without your participation, that nothing can deprive you of your legal right to live according to all these statements.

Develop a habit of repeating these words to yourself, constantly strengthening your faith in success; adhere to this attitude of life constantly, not for a moment giving in to the temptation to plunge into self-pity and surrender to the mercy of defeatist moods. As soon as you start doing this, you yourself will see the effectiveness of this life approach.

History of defeat and victory:

A friend of mine, in a very difficult situation, when the business in which he invested half the life of hard work was destroyed by the financial crisis, and he had nothing left but his perseverance, desire to survive and the whole family that needed to be fed, nevertheless less, he did not even allow the thought that he would not be able to get back on his feet.

It did not even make sense to try to confuse this person and to convince him of the futility of his attempts to restore his former wealth.

It would be easier to convince Napoleon not to start a war.

Clenching his fists and refusing to admit defeat, he did not allow himself to give up, and he soon returned to his previous level, and a few years later he achieved greater success than before the crisis, which could have broken his whole life if he hadn’t been so stubborn for your faith in yourself.

You can not allow yourself to be puppets, completely and completely dependent on circumstances and external factors.

We ourselves must create the conditions around us that suit us. Do you know how?

Nothing in the world happens just like that - for everything you need a reason, and this reason lies in our thoughts.

Our attitude creates the conditions for success or failure.

The result of our work depends entirely on the nature of the thoughts, feelings and desires that accompany it.

To act productively, the mind must constantly be in a positive, creative mode.

Our thoughts are both our servants and our defenders, until we allow them to turn into enemies. They give us exactly what we expect from them.

If we trust them, rely on them, then they go to work at the maximum of their capabilities. If we are afraid, then our "servants" also begin to be afraid and lose their ability to work.

Negatively minded people are waiting for something bad to happen. They wind themselves up, expecting troubles while doing nothing to prevent them.

You need to understand that only a constructive approach to life is the key to success and prosperity.

The key to success:

Powerful, effective, creative energy of faith in oneself and one's abilities is the wrong side of any achievements.

A strong personality creates the conditions under which something that seemed completely impossible happens.

Nothing happens on its own, for any action you need a push, an impulse that must be given with the help of the power of thought and desire.