It would seem-how can you use empty plastic bottles, which we constantly encounter in everyday life? Yes, they are very different-big and small, from carbonated and drinking water, from ketchup, sauces, mustard, shampoo, cream…
Most of us throw plastic bottles into the trash without regret. But, it turns out, completely in vain! Even such seemingly useless things can be put to very good use:
Crafts from plastic bottles for a garden, giving and a kitchen garden;
Ideas for balcony ;
Children's crafts and toys from plastic bottles;
Animals from plastic bottles,
Flowers from plastic bottles;
Useful for home;
New year ideas;
Bird feeders;
Drinking bowls from plastic bottles;
Consider that can be done from closures and congestion from plastic bottles;
So, consider all the items and find out what crafts from plastic bottles can be made by applying a little imagination.
Children's crafts and toys from plastic bottles
Of course! Toys and more toys. Pigs, cows, cats, lions, penguins. Just look closely at the bottle: what does its shape remind you of? Take up paints, brushes and spend time with joy and pleasure!
Here you have inspiring examples of what kind of toys you can make from plastic bottles of different shapes:
Creative French have created a whole world of robots from plastic bottles and lids!
Best children's books
The whole detailed step by step instructions on how to make a plane out of a plastic bottle
Show me one boy who wouldn't take a jetpack like that out of plastic bottles!
But a great toy for the bathroom-boats from bottles of shampoo.
Crafts from plastic bottles-Boats from plastic bottles
This colorful and cheerful elephant will help to diversify the interior of the nursery and just please your children:
If children are afraid of the dark-make for them and with them a funny nightlight.
Также из пластика можно сделать яркие и забавные погремушки для самых маленьких.
And here are the "foam blowers" for older children — in the summer on the street, they will enjoy great success with the kids.
Christmas toys from plastic bottles
Christmas toys on holidays we need to decorate the tree or the room as a whole. Here are a few ideas that will help make unexpected and fun Christmas toys and decorations from almost nothing-from plastic bottles and a minimum of improvised means.
The Christmas tree can be dressed up with the help of these original balls (at the heart of these balls are rings cut from a plastic bottle, and the decor can come up with any):
Crafts from plastic bottles-Christmas toys
You can make simple Christmas toys with your own hands — and depending on how you decorate them or what you fill, you can get a lot of options:
Crafts from plastic bottles-Christmas toys with their own hands