What kind of Christmas trees for children do you prefer? Comfort chamber of small trees, a home atmosphere of culture houses, or large trees with big performances? We present you the announcements of two Grand premieres this year: "the Mystery of the three planets" brothers Safonov and "Swan lake" from Evgeny Plushenko
Christmas tree for children from the brothers Safonov " Mystery of the three planets»
Want to see a real space Odyssey? Illusionists #1 in Russia, brothers Safronov, represent show "Mystery of three planets"!
Christmas tree for children from the brothers Safonov " Mystery of the three planets"
What awaits you?
Wizards will create all conditions for children to watch the show in one breath. Exciting story Odyssey, fantastic animals and giant robots. If you combine them with huge LED screens and advanced technologies, you will get a complete immersion of the audience into the cosmic reality, and the great illusionists will perform tricks that have no analogues in the world.
The show uses real space technology, robotics and animatronics, unique special effects, and of course, Grand illusions! You will become a member of an incredible Space Odyssey to three different planets. And each of them has its own mystery, its riddles, its own heroes.
Are you ready to travel?
Then our intergalactic liner begins its journey to the boundless horizons of the Galaxy. There we have to dive into the endless ocean of space, to discover unknown worlds-worlds of enormous scale and stunning beauty!
All passengers have to solve the mystery of each planet, to cope with the power of celestial phenomena, to save the disappeared expedition and successfully return home to his native planet Earth.
In space, among the magic and magic everyone will feel like a child! The passengers of our liner will not only fly into space,but will also be able to participate in the magic of the performance, so you will not be able to forget these new year holidays!
Christmas tree from Evgeny Plushenko " Swan lake»
Christmas tree from Evgeny Plushenko " Swan lake"
The family tandem of Yana Rudkovskaya and Yevgeny Plushenko presents an ice ballet show accompanied by a live Symphony orchestra. The stars of both figure skating and ballet take part in the production. On the ice will not only Evgeny Plushenko, the audience will see the smallest skater-Plushenko Jr.
Alexander (better known as Dwarf Gnomic) with 3 years participated at the world show, and 5 performs difficult stunts on the ice. In the role of Adetta will perform prima ballerina of the Bolshoi theater Olga Smirnova, and in the role of the Black Swan, Adelina Sotnikova.
The creators of the most spectacular ice shows in Europe and the world will give you a real Christmas tale and fill the holiday weekend with magic and magic!
28 stars of the Bolshoi theater will take part in the Christmas fairy tale "Swan lake"! A Symphony orchestra will be a real gift for parents. The audience will be able to fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the ballet and enjoy the delightful music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
Swan lake is a space that transforms under the action. Any component of the show is of separate interest in itself. Whether it's an orchestra, a ballet group or figure skaters. But that is why the performance is interesting, which organically, brightly and beautifully conveys the love story, highlighting it from different angles.