Prokofiev Sophia L.
Many kids like funny collections "Masha and Oika" in Ozone in the Maze Cycle "adventures of the yellow suitcase". In The Ozone Maze
Widely known fairy-tale cycle, "the Master of magic keys" — five novels about the wizard Alyosha and the cat Vaska: "the sorcerer's Apprentice", "Scout and the crystal key", "Island of the captains", "Astrel and Keeper of the forest", "Princess Wanni". In The Ozone Maze
The author has written many children's books, you can choose to your liking and the taste of the child.
Lev Ivanovich Davydychev
"The life of Ivan Semenov second-grader and second-year student»
With illustrations by Gennady Sokolov in Ozone, with illustrations by Valka in the Maze
"My friends, pals" In the Labyrinth "Lelisa of the 3 door" In the Ozone In the Maze
Pivovarova Irina
Not only a children's writer, but also an Illustrator. Irina talked about his works: "the Prose, like poetry, I write funny. I love when children laugh! If I have to teach them, I try not to make it too obvious. At the same time I learn myself. My good teachers are K. Chukovsky, A. lingren, D. harms, O. dries." Several collections of short stories and novels by Irina Pivovarova have become very popular . Collections of poems "once upon a time there Was a dog", "a Wreath of bells", "I Want to fly", "Forest talk", "Lost bird in the sky", "only for children" are composed of poems by the author.
The most favorite and memorable children novel writer — "Stories Lucy Sinitsyna, third grade student", "the Old man in plaid pants", "Stories Pavlik Tomatoes, Lucy Sinitsyna's brother", and:
"C minus, or Incident at 5" A "" in Ozone in the Maze
"What's my head thinking" in Ozone in the Maze
"Once Kate with Manya" In Ozone In the Maze
Golovkin Victor Vladimirovich
Writer, artist, book graphic artist. Feature writer of short stories is their brevity, together with witty good humour. The heroes of his stories are always funny, but active and charming. Victor Golyavkin did not illustrate his books, although he was a good artist.
"Carousel in the head" with illustrations by V. Mineev in Ozone in the Maze
"Notebooks in the rain "(funny story "Notebooks in the rain", "How I helped my mother to wash the floor"," how we climbed into the pipe"," Twist the snow twirling"," Conscience"," how I was afraid " and others).Illustrator E. Kuznetsova In The Maze
The Centurion Yuriy
They write about him: "he invented funny and instructive stories for children, asserting their right to be what they are — mischievous, disobedient, ready for the most unexpected tricks." He wrote a very large number of fun children's books, almost all of them are reprinted and are on sale.
"Archimedes of Vovka Grushin" (includes stories by Researchers, White rat, Newsreels and others) with pictures of Evgenia Medvedeva — a classic children's book illustration In the Ozone
"I was independent" ( includes stories Mask, the Granddaughter of artillery, Dudkin sharpens and others) In the Ozone
In the Maze another edition of "Vovka Grushin and others" (I was independent, On you all hope, Mask, How I was saved, Archimedes of Vovka Grushin, Raikin prisoners, the Viper, Lord, Dima).
Anatoly Georgievich Aleksin
The author huge number of childhood books, most often for teenagers. He lived a long life as a writer – he began publishing when he was a teenager, lived until he was 93. Alexin's works are popular because of the dramatic swiftness of their construction, the sharpness of collisions, psychological and everyday observation, good humor, topical subjects, recognizable characters and circumstances. His books are constantly reprinted.
We will mention one: "in the country of Eternal Holidays" - the edition with illustrations of the artist V. Chelak. In The Ozone Maze
The Vitkovich, Viktor Stanislavovich
Author of children's books, playwright and screenwriter. Alone and in collaboration with other writers, he wrote many screenplays of feature and animated films, especially the films about Khoja Nasreddin and "the Magic lamp of Aladdin".
In collaboration with Jagdfeld Gregory B. he has written several wonderful and interesting tales:
"A fairy tale in broad daylight", in the Maze, together with" Puppet Comedy "and" the Tale of the paintbrush " in the Maze make up the famous fairy triad of authors.
And " day of miracles. Funny tales", "Game at dawn".
In collaboration with Nina Gernet, Gregory Jagdfeld written the story "Kate and the crocodile", which for many years I enjoy reading children and parents, In Ozone In the Maze and the story "the Lost dragon" In Ozone In the Maze and "Kate and wonders."
Several authors who have become very famous among children and parents, thanks to one wonderful book:
Vitaly Georgievich Gubarev wrote quite a lot of children's books, a science fiction writer, but his name is associated with the story "the Kingdom of crooked mirrors". Is it a funny fairy tale? Many children confidently believe that Yes. In The Ozone Maze
Kingdom of distorting mirrors
Valery V. Medvedev-a series of works about Yuri Barankin: the story " Barankin, be a man!"In the Maze edition with illustrations Valka G. O. Although he wrote other children's stories and novels: "Captain Lie-Head", "Gosling third grade", "Vovka Freckles in the country clockwork men", "Dash-dash-point", "Make a cheerful face", "Wedding March", "Flute for the champion" and others.
Tomin Yuri Gennadievich " The wizard walked through the city "(based on this story in 1970, the film"the Mystery of the iron door").In The Ozone Maze
He also wrote" merry — go-Round over the city"," A, B, C, D, D and others"," Borka, I and the invisible"," an Incident in the journey"," Ordinary magician"," Vitka Murash-the winner of all","Now everything is Vice versa".
Liya geraskina B. "In the country of unlearned lessons" and its sequel, a tale of the lazy and the losers VIth Peresecina. The Ozone in the Maze and this writer has many other books.
Nekrasov Andrey Sergeevich "the adventures of captain Vrungel" – still selling a lot of different editions of this book, the genre of a comic story. The Ozone In The Maze. The writer worked in the Navy, with which the themes of his major other works are connected.
Raskin Aleksandr Borisovich: writer – humorist. "As Pope was small" - child book, other books author-for adults. Stories about the "little dad" was illustrated by the famous artist Lev Tokmakov. In The Ozone Maze
Chepovetsky Efim Petrovich-children's writer and playwright, author of more than thirty books, a number of librettos for musical comedies, many collections of poems, fairy tales and plays for children and youth, as well as scripts for animated films. Best known for his hilarious book "fidget, Crumb and Netakoy". In The Ozone Maze
Russian writers are our contemporaries
Oster Gregory bentsionovich — writer, screenwriter, playwright, TV host.
Known for the book "Harmful tips: a book for naughty children and their parents" and then written sequels in the form of tips and tasks. It is even believed that he created "harmful advice" as a new genre.
On account of his books of a different type, but also very funny: "Kitten named WOOF", "the adventures of PIF"(there are editions with pictures Vladimir Suteev), "38 parrots","Robinson and 13 Jednota", "Petka-microbe", "Dangerous ice".
"Legends and myths of Laurel lane". This is one of Auster's early books, written with cunning, imagination, virtuoso wordplay. Basically the book is written in prose, but her character shepherd Lada tells his puppies every history exclusively to poetry.
In the book there are a lot of unusual incidents, ridiculous shifters, and its heroes – with rich imagination.
Illustrators: G. Yudin In Ozone N. Vorontsov In The Maze
"Tale with details" by Grigory Oster with illustrations by uncle Kolya Vorontsov. There are lots of word finds, confusion, word games, Changeling. In addition to the fact that for readers it is an occasion to learn to compose, fantasize, it is also an excellent guide for the development of speech. In The Ozone Maze
Usachev Andrey Alekseevich
Children's writer, poet and playwright, screenwriter, radio presenter. In the track record of Andrei Alekseevich-work as a janitor, a watchman, a drummer in a restaurant, a stage driver in the theater of Satire, a guard on the railway, a cleaner on the beach, a dishwasher, an editor of the magazine "Funny pictures".
More than 100 books by Andrei Usachev for children were published in Russia. There are publications in many other countries. His collections of fairy tales and fantastic stories for children: "treuil-pam-pam", "barabashka, or the Promised large reward, Spooky children's folklore", "Zvonaric", "Orange camel", "Malusa and Rogopag", "the Fabulous history of Aeronautics", "Zhili-byli hedgehogs", "School of snowmen", the series "Miracles in daddy frost town", "the adventures of Kotoba", "Bova the king's son", "Journey on the iceberg", but most of all loved the kids book
"Clever dog Sonya" In the Maze, which the author wrote the sequel "the ABCs of dogs Sony" and "Famous dog Sonya". In Ozone.
Pen A. Usachev belongs to many poems, as well as educational books, such as a series of "Lessons of history."
Smart dog Sonia
Postnikov Valentin Y. the most known and loved the two books.
The fantastic novel about travel and adventures, favorite children's characters little magicians of the Pencil and Actors and students of their Magical school was started by Yuryi Droujkova (by Postnikova) two books bestsellers:
"The adventures of Pencil and DIY" In Labirintai "the Magic school Pencil-and-DIY" In the Ozone In the Maze
Valentin Postnikov, continuing the theme of his father, wrote a lot of adventures Pencil and homemade, many of them are on sale, a lot of recorded audio.
For an example:
"Pencil and homemade on Dinosaur Island", illustrations by Anatoly Eliseev in Ozone in the Maze
The second cycle is a fun school story "Funny losers. Funny stories for children", in Ozone in the Maze "Riding a briefcase" in the Maze
Funny stories and stories from school life became known to several writers.
Kryukova Tamara - the author of a large number of children's books written easily and with humor. She wrote:
For the little ones: "Baby hedgehog", "Car Beep", "Engine Puff", "Brave boat", "Naughty stories", "kangaroo Rooney", "Dinosaur looking for mom".
For older children: "Tales of the dense forest", "Forest scammers", "Cat and mouse", " Forest pharmacy. Tales of medicinal plants", "Merry hamlet", "Tales of why", "the Mystery of people with double faces", " What a circus!", "At midnight on a cardboard clock", the "Shoe wizard", "the Gate of happiness, Or every man for himself!", "Miracles are not fake", "Magician for two hours", "Repetition", "Eugene Moskvichev and his friends", "cat happiness".
Postnikov Valentin Y. the most known and loved the two books.
The fantastic novel about travel and adventures, favorite children's characters little magicians of the Pencil and Actors and students of their Magical school was started by Yuryi Droujkova (by Postnikova) two books bestsellers:
"The adventures of Pencil and DIY" In Labirintai "the Magic school Pencil-and-DIY" In the Ozone In the Maze
Valentin Postnikov, continuing the theme of his father, wrote a lot of adventures Pencil and homemade, many of them are on sale, a lot of recorded audio.
For an example:
"Pencil and homemade on Dinosaur Island", illustrations by Anatoly Eliseev in Ozone in the Maze
The second cycle is a fun school story "Funny losers. Funny stories for children", in Ozone in the Maze "Riding a briefcase" in the Maze
Funny stories and stories from school life became known to several writers.
Kryukova Tamara - the author of a large number of children's books written easily and with humor. She wrote:
For the little ones: "Baby hedgehog", "Car Beep", "Engine Puff", "Brave boat", "Naughty stories", "kangaroo Rooney", "Dinosaur looking for mom".
For older children: "Tales of the dense forest", "Forest scammers", "Cat and mouse", " Forest pharmacy. Tales of medicinal plants", "Merry hamlet", "Tales of why", "the Mystery of people with double faces", " What a circus!", "At midnight on a cardboard clock", the "Shoe wizard", "the Gate of happiness, Or every man for himself!", "Miracles are not fake", "Magician for two hours", "Repetition", "Eugene Moskvichev and his friends", "cat happiness".
The author recommends from 10 years: "enchantress with the back desks", " Potapov, to Board!", "Repetition of the passed", "Unlearned lessons", "Prideful", "wizard's Cup", "Moon knight", "Sorceress from the island of thunder", "Black Albatross", "Crystal key", "Doors", "Trap for the hero", "Genius involuntarily"," Ghost network, "Kostya+Nika", "once lied", "Telepath", "Triptych in black and white".
Cognitive and at the same time fun books: "Learn-ka", "Oral account" (in verse), "Arithmetic" (in verse), "Simple arithmetic" (in verse), "Fun primer. From A to Z",. "Alphabet for kids", "Animal alphabet".
In reviews about funny books author most often meets: "House upside down" in Labyrinth
Tyukhtyaev Irina and Leonid-young nuclear physicists, travelers who hitchhiked from Moscow to Vladivostok, wrote his famous fairy tale " Zoki and Bud. (children's guide to parenting)" in the 80s for their children. Almost ten years the book "went to samizdat" until 1989, the first edition appeared. Since then, there have been many reprints with the works of different illustrators with a total circulation of 300,000 copies in Ozone in the Maze
Tretyakov Yury Fedorovich call Him "the Most unjustly forgotten children's writer of the Soviet era. The books he wrote are very funny, without the slightest signs of didacticism or edification, and extremely, incredibly alive."
"Aleshin year", in the Maze "beetle and geometry" in the Maze
A collection of "the adventures of Teddy Mochalkina"(the novel adventures of Teddy Mochalkina. Stories — the Commander of a special unit, Turtle parasite Vityusha, a Captive Natasha, As Shura was filmed).
Alexander Semenov writer and cartoonist.
His most famous works for children are printed in the magazine "Murzilka": "Detective-mystery story of a Snitch-Koryabeda" and "Detective-mystery story "Agents of Confusion" — the third part of the adventures Murzilki and his opponent, an evil sorceress. In the Ozone in the Maze As well as "Notebook wizard", a collection of short stories with color illustrations of magical items on each spread. In Ozone in the Maze and Sci-Fi dreams of "round Trip". in the labyrinth
You can not forget about the" father " of the prodigal parrot Kesha: Courland Alexander Efimovich
"Adventures of the prodigal parrot" in Ozone in the Maze
Books about Kesha was a lot different, but there's still — "the adventures Coastie and his friends." in the labyrinth
Bondarenko Vladimir Nikiforovich-children's writer, who in 1955 published the book "Tales of grandfather Matthew", followed by three more books of fairy tales, a total of 93 books. The proposed "Three cheerful rabbit" In the Maze
We will finish this part of the review (although there are still a lot of books left over) with the favorite book of children of many post-war years, which can still be offered to children, explaining some outdated life phenomena.
Lagin Lazar, I. "the old Man Hottabych: a tale". Published in 1938 in the magazine "pioneer", first published in 1940, the second significantly revised edition in 1955. the Tale of the extraordinary adventures of pioneer Volka Kostylkov and the amazing old man, who turned out to be a fabulous Genie. In The Ozone Maze
Here we will stop – about the cheerful and funny books written by foreign writers and translated into Russian, read in the sequel, which will soon appear.
We hope that you will definitely find books that will be interesting to your child and cause him to laugh or a kind smile.
If you read some books that seemed kind and funny, and they are not included in the review (there are still very, very many)-share in the comments, we will add together to our collection of funny and funny books.