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Family and children

5 tips to help baby fall asleep


Your baby has been sleeping - short, of course - for several weeks now... You thought you had solved his sleep problems. But now he doesn't want to fall asleep anymore! Having understood that the night rhymed with separation, he needs to be reassured!

It is normal; your baby growing up became aware that night was a kind of black hole where he lost contact with his environment and with you in particular. He needs to be secured by an immutable "protocol" of falling asleep that allows him to anticipate his awakening where... immutably too, he will find you.


1. Going to sleep is something to be prepared for!

Prepare your baby to go to bed in the order of operations before bedtime. A bath if the water soothes him, putting on his pajamas, last bottle and a little game (calm) so that he doesn't go to bed at the beginning of his digestion. Above all, avoid tickling games and other rolls that would only excite him.

Make your room a place of happiness. If your baby still needs a feed before starting her night's fast, give it to her in her room. Thus, this will not be the place of separation, but of the tenderness of your hand to hand.

2. His bed: a reassuring cocoon

Put him in his bed with some familiar toys. Maybe he already has a bear, or a favorite rag doll, maybe even a cuddly toy? Place it within reach so that he or she does not have to look for it. If he likes to observe the door of his room, to see you get out and especially to see you come in the morning, he appreciates having a bed bumper that recreates a reassuring cocoon. Sometimes you will find him curled up in an angle, his back against this fleece fabric.

3. Nothing beats rituals

Everything must be done in ten minutes. If you stay too long, it will be difficult for him to spot the signals that tell him "good night".

Turn off bright lights and keep only the lamp that allows you to move safely.

Sing him your little song, the one that has been rocking him since you gave birth to him. It doesn't matter if you sing wrong, he's an unconditional believer in your voice: it's his cuddly song.

If you have not installed a lullaby, you can read a story to him by holding the book in front of his eyes. If he doesn't really react, don't interrupt, he's tired and sleep wins him over, but he needs the soft hum of your voice to let go... otherwise, worry will outweigh exhaustion.

At the end of your chorus or reading, give him a little kiss and accompany him with a "good night, see you tomorrow".

Your baby needs fixed landmarks, but he expects them from both you and his father. Let the latter get involved, you will be happy to pass the handsome evenings....

4. Go quietly

Some babies like to be tucked away with a small blanket or a simple sheet. They feel wrapped up like they were in your womb. Others like to finish soothing their day's tensions by stirring their bodies... Follow her taste for swaddling or knitting legs.

Turn off the last and soft light, stay a few seconds in his room, while you pick up a book or his clothes to put in the dirty laundry basket... The important thing is not to leave him suddenly.

5. Reassure remotely... or come back to him

He doesn't agree to put out the fires and cries? Don't come back to his room (unless you felt a little feverish, in which case, make sure he's not sick).

From the room where you are, give him reassuring words: "I'm in the kitchen and I'm putting away the dishes. Go to sleep, I'm here. »

Doesn't that mean he's not calmed down? It's hard, but be firm and let him scream, it's also reassuring for him to know that parents have a law and that they stick to it: it's a landmark!