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Ghost stories are one of the most popular horror stories. It is believed that spirits can be found everywhere, even on the train. Several stories even happened in reality.
One day, on the train from Carlisle to London, Colonel Ewart stood up abruptly because he was a little uneasy. When he opened his eyes, a woman was standing in front of him.
Her features were hidden by a black veil. She stared at her lap. But it was impossible to see what she saw.
The Colonel spoke to the stranger, but she did not answer.
Suddenly the unknown lady began to sway and sing a song very similar to a lullaby.
At that moment the train honked and braked.
A suitcase fell from the top shelf onto Ewart's head and he passed out for a moment.
When the Colonel came to, the woman was gone. He tried to find out about her from the guide.
He told the Colonel the woman was a Ghost along the way.
The story of his appearance was as follows.
About 3 decades ago, a girl with her fiance traveled to this part.
While driving, the man stuck his head out the window and was blown away by an oncoming Locomotive. After a while, the bride died of grief.
After these tragic events in a train became to emerge the specter of.
The Ghost on the Orient Express
Rumor has it that the Orient Express is also haunted.
In 23 years of the last century in one of the compartments of the man committed suicide.
He shot himself with a gun, punching a hole in his head.
After this incident, Mr. Price was in the same compartment.
It should be noted that his specialization was parapsychology.
In the vicinity of Wurzburg, Mr. Price heard a pistol shot close to his ear.
He felt in the compartment beside him there's someone else.
The conductor told the parapsychologist the story of the suicide and added that many who rode in this compartment felt the presence of this Ghost.
Interestingly, not all ghosts that live in moving trains are harmless.
So example can serve the specter of girls in Bavaria. She was raped and brutally murdered. In the evening, the Ghost lures them into a tunnel near Deggendorf.
People often die because the trains passing through this tunnel are moving at high speed.
This Ghost accounts for 19 deaths in the last 50 years
The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.
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