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Ванесса Парро


Hello! You are on the channel "Vanessa Parro", thank You for reading my articles!I will be glad to read positive reviews, they warm the soul)

One of the strange but fascinating abilities of the human body, or nature, or the subconscious...or even some unknown abilities is levitation.

Levitation the ability of the human body to rise into the air, take off and soar through the air without any additional devices.

This is a very charming and intriguing phenomenon, which is not often practiced, but mentioned in various sources, Quite a lot of people practiced levitation in front of the maddened spectators and journalists.

One of the most famous people who practiced levitation was D. D. Home, a world-famous medium who lived in England in the mid-19th century. He very often showed to the public their capabilities.

He would take off and hover around the room for a few seconds, then sit back down.

Crazy journalists tried in various ways to test the home above and subject to any and tricks, but he was convinced that he is flying.

One of the journalists who saw home fly wrote:

"His eyes are tightly closed. It's like the Body is shaking with cold or fear. The feet rise above the ground. He slowly flies off vertically up to 40 centimeters. Hangs several seconds in such a position, and then slowly falls back

Home demonstrated his ability to levitate almost everywhere. He soared in the eyes of counts, lords, and even in France soared before Napoleon III.

Abilities to levitation are famous not only home.

Many people who practice yoga, falling into a trance or, as they call it, Nirvana, are also capable of levitation.

There are many documented facts in which yogis who have attained spiritual enlightenment, soar vertically upwards and for a while freezing in this position.

The monks of the legendary Shaolin achieved the same opportunities.

During their meditations, the Supreme masters repeatedly demonstrated their ability to levitate.

If we consider that the human consciousness and mind are investigated only 3% of its potential, it may be that a person can not only fly but also to demonstrate a variety of hitherto unseen capabilities of the body and spirit.

We can only hope that we will live up to that time.

The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.
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