The Amur tiger in Russia was called Babr. It is considered to be the largest animal of cat species. It is even larger than a lion.
This wild cat is very beautiful and has striped coloring. Like all cats, the Amur tiger has 30 teeth and very tenacious claws, which makes it easy to tear carcasses and climb trees.
The color of the wool is red, which flows smoothly into white in the area of the abdomen and on the chest.
In winter, the Amur tigers grow thicker and have to accumulate a sufficient layer of fat, about 5 centimeters, to save them from the fierce frost and frostbite.
The predator moves almost noiselessly, thanks to its wide paws and soft pads on them, which serve as a so-called shock absorption. Thanks to this, they want noiselessly in summer, and in winter they stay in the snow, without falling into the snow drifts.
On average, the length of the Amur tiger reaches from 2.7 to 3.8 meters, the height in the crest is 1-1.15 meters, and the weight is 200-250 kilograms.
In the wild, the Amur tigers prefer loneliness. Except for females with broods, they can live on the territory of the male.
They prefer hunting at night. It is an interesting fact: the tiger distinguishes perfectly between colors, and night time, its vision is 5 times sharper than that of a human being.
As we all know, cats love to talk (meow, growl, shout). Amur tigers prefer silence. They rarely make any sounds.
If, at a meeting, predators are adjusted to each other peacefully, they rub their sides and touch faces.
The tiger tries to avoid meetings with people. He is not an ogre, if you do meet this beautiful animal, you should not make sudden movements, just stand still and can talk to him, but only in a calm voice. Don't turn your back and don't shout, it'll only warm him up.
The life expectancy of this handsome man is an average of 10-15 years, in the wilderness. In zoos with ideal conditions tigers live to 20 years.
The difference between a female and a male is noticeable in the first place in the mass, if the female weighs an average of 100-167 kg, the weight of the male is almost twice that of 180-306 kg. Females also have a shorter life span than males. Upbringing and training of offspring lie entirely on the mother's shoulders. Male males are completely eliminated from parental functions, thus the life span of the female is noticeably reduced.
The tiger's offspring appear once in 2-4 years. When the female is ready to mate, she scratches the bark of the trees and leaves odor marks.When a tiger finds a female with a heat, the mating takes about 5-7 days, and then the tiger goes in search of new love.
After 95-112 days the female is born with 2 to 4 blind cubs, which begin to see after 9 days, and two weeks of life they have milk teeth. The female feeds them with milk for up to 5-6 months, at the same time introducing meat into their diet.
The Amur tiger should eat 9-10 kg of meat per day, which is about 50 to 70 deer per year.