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Amazing animals

Аnimals and sport

Karen Arnold image from the Pixabay website
Karen Arnold image from the Pixabay website

Since the earliest times, the competition has been the main mechanism for survival, development and, of course, improvement. It is not just about sports competitions.

Cheetah. The main record-breaker in short distance running, his speed is 110 kilometers per hour. And the distance of five hundred meters runs at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour.

Vilorogaya antelope - the longest distance runs the fastest. It runs at a speed of 56 km/h and can run six kilometers.

Among the birds, the fastest is the ostrich, which can run at a speed of 72 km/h.

In swimming, the record-breaker is a sailing fish, with a speed of 109 km/h for short distances. A leatherback turtle, which can dive to a depth of 1200 meters, is considered to be the diving champion among all animals.

The title of the bravest, among the animals, belongs to the badger honey-eater, who without hesitation can enter into battle defending his hole with any animal, regardless of size. And what is most interesting, always remains a winner.

But the rhinoceros beetle is considered to be the strongest, but in "light weight", on its back can hold the load as much as 850 times heavier than its own weight.

The place of the champion in shooting is occupied by a spraying fish. It can hit the smallest insect at a distance of one and a half meters with a stream of water.

Rock climber. This champion is a snow goat, which can move along steep cliffs where ledges and cornices are barely visible.

High jumps. And the champion in this sport has become a cat flea, she can jump to a height of 34 centimeters, which is 130 times higher than her own height.

The lino9999 image from the Pixabay website
The lino9999 image from the Pixabay website

Animal competitions have always attracted people. Some animal sports have been around for a long time. Competitions are always spectacular, and when competitions are held between animals, it becomes much more interesting. People make bets, play a lot of prizes. I can say that this is not just a performance, it is a great excitement.

The most famous and popular sport with the participation of animals is horseback riding. But there are many kinds of competitions in which people and animals participate, so that the first could show how much he can control the animal. And so, for example:

Rodeo. Catching and taming wild bulls and horses. The tamer has to stay on the back of the animal for a certain amount of time. Well, where is it without record-breakers. The Red Rock Bull - dropped 312 riders from his body.

Dog sledding. These races are the oldest sport. Thanks to the sled dogs made many geographical discoveries.

Reindeer races are held in the northern regions of Russia. There is such a kind of competition as camel racing.

In fact, there are many kinds of competitions between animals in the world and not all of them are harmless.