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7 myths about home schooling that should not confuse parents

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The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.

1. “Homeschooler is locked at home, where he is languishing and sick”

The term “homeschooling” has a trap in the name itself. It seems that the student is locked at home with his mother, great-grandmother with a hearing aid and a TV, and education is carried out by such modest forces. In reality, “homeschooling” means immediately a bunch of different currents: here everyone who studies in absentia or in person or in absentia (it turns out that you can go to school the same way as you go to college), here are the children in family education (from large families with religious parents to the children who spend their school years somewhere in the Samui region with their mother and father), here are students of alternative schools with a wide variety of philosophies (such as the Lobachevsky school).

That is, parents of home school scooters choose not to study in an apartment on the 4th floor. They choose everything except a state-level comprehensive school

The world of a home school student is diverse, as is the world in general. And that guy who during your childhood was always sick with otitis and therefore did not go to school today cannot serve as a single example of a “home scooter”

2. “Parents are not responsible for the education of the child if they send him to school”

If you draw up a psychological portrait of a home-scooter parent, then you can quite confidently talk about his ability and desire to influence what is happening. It’s not true that those adults who took the child to school took off their care about his education. On the contrary, they are responsible for the choice of educational institution, for the choice of teachers, and this they have to explain in the evenings why the second-grader was given a crazy task: to spread the mushrooms in the pockets of grasshoppers and write a report about it. “Mom, you took me to this school!” - a child can always fend off, whose mother speaks poorly about the morals of the authors of the manual.

3. "If the child has not joined the slender school team - this is a disaster"

“Get accustomed to the team” is a rather bizarre mental construct. It is one thing to realize that people are different, that you can interact with them in different ways, that someone has the same strengths, someone else. And a completely different calico - to learn how to quietly sit in a group of 30 guys, assembled on the grounds that everyone here hit eight. The psychologist Olga Pisarik once collected in her article research that proves that with socialization, “homeworkers” are even better than ordinary schoolchildren. For example, it turned out that the average home scooter is regularly involved in at least eight classes outside the home, including sports sections, art studios and other collections of scout violinists. It also turned out that they have fewer behavioral problems than children who socialize in state institutions. The school, however, does not set as its goal the concern for the social and emotional skills of students, except for the ability to get up when the teacher enters the classroom.

4. “Distance learning online does not teach anything good”

If you tell a person that you are teaching a child online, he will immediately begin to imagine a poor schoolboy with circles under his eyes from constant sitting in front of the monitor and rickets because he does not leave the house. Such misconceptions are not uncommon: all because no one makes a distinction between distance learning and “homeschooling”. In fact, online knowledge is a very, very wide range of useful things for a student. Of course, if you imagine how much less the child will be frustrated if no one will wake him up in the morning, load books and send them through the snowdrifts in winter, everything will fall into place, and homes killing will seem like a real salvation.

Distance-learning makes it possible to correctly combine traditional methods with an individual approach

What does it mean? That all the horrors of school life can be easily stopped by online learning, for example, at the school to them. N.I. Lobachevsky. For each child, an individual pace of education is established there, at that time and to the extent that is convenient for him (this, by the way, is very suitable for those who are professionally involved in sports). In addition, throughout the training at the school to them. N. I. Lobachevsky child is accompanied by experienced subject teachers, curators, and psychologists. The student receives all homework in a personal virtual office, where they are carefully checked, and all errors are carefully analyzed. And after all classes, a student from the school to them. N. I. Lobachevsky receives an absolutely normal state certificate.

But if suddenly you still chose full-time and your child diligently attends an ordinary district school, online school named after N.I. Lobachevsky and will help him better learn the program. And on the school’s YouTube channel, the child will find a lot of useful materials: two-thirds of the channel’s subscribers are full-time students who just want to know more.

5. "Parents of the housekeeper - completely unemployed loafers"

The opinion that parents who did not let their children into school are sullen people who did not find themselves in life is not true. In America, where homeschooling has been studied more closely for some time than ours (it is no accident - there are now 2.3 million “homeworkers”), scientists have found out a lot of interesting things. For example, as far back as 2001, there was no serious income difference between families of schools and homeschooling families, and 48% of children in homeschooling grew up in families where both parents work (among parents of schoolchildren, employment was 81%).

6. “Without school, it is impossible to adapt to the world”

In theory, everyone wants children to grow up in a respectful environment riddled with tolerance and friendliness for personal identity. In practice, many people like the idea that their child will be forced to settle down on the ruler and stop turning his head to the right and left. “Here you go to school, they will teach you the mind there!” - we say with satisfaction to the man who, reading, stands in his arms.

The school device does not repeat all the bizarre twists of the world. The school, on the contrary, is a somewhat outdated building with a strange set of rules. It is not clear why exactly children should adapt to this particular system? Where else will they meet the same wild customs, saigas in the locker room and a nervous teacher?

7. “Personal development is a series of crises, and this is normal”

Science in the person of psychologist Carol Dweck tells us that there are two types of internal ideas about success: a fixed attitude and an attitude toward development. The owners of the first installation try to look smart and avoid intelligent calls: "I will answer incorrectly, and everyone will think that I'm a fool!" Those with a developmental orientation have a desire to learn, albeit making mistakes, to move forward (from the book by C. Fadel, M. Bialik, B. Trilling, “Four-Dimensional Education” p. 186). Now guess what type of behavior an ordinary school forms, lowering the grade by a point for two blots?

Homeschooling is more likely to focus the child on personal development because everyone at school is preoccupied with other things, external indicators, such as the results of math tests and the essays “How I Spent a Neighbor”.

Surely each person has his own fears associated with educating children. But if you think it over carefully, some will seem insolvent, and some will simply be ridiculous.

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