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10 ways to stop being scared of school (for both parent and child)

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The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.

1. Assess the risks

You need to accurately assess the damage your educational institution may cause. How dangerous is the fact that the teacher of labor repeats through the word “it is your left”? Will a company in which they play a trickster for money do much harm to the child? Will the shape of your cool hairstyle affect the aesthetic education of the child so tragically? Maybe it will cost? There is a possibility that in the lesson with an eloquent Trudovik your student will listen to the player, will not pay attention to the nuclear hairstyle, and will beat everyone else in the cards.

2. Think strategically

In conditions of limited resources, we must remember the global goal: to raise a child healthy, developed and preferably without a nervous tick. Assess where to direct your energy and time, where to close weak points. If the student does not have enough heat and he beats the teddy bear for the second hour, and he also hasn’t done his homework, then to hell with the homework. Sit together, hug a man and play with him a plush tea party. At the moment, this is much more important than division examples.

3. Help

It’s great if the child knows that he can always count on you. Sometimes, opening a notebook with assignments for the second grade, we find questions of unforeseen depth and complexity there (or maybe we just forgot how the wintering birds of Russia nest). In such an awkward situation, any parent can start yelling at the child: “What can't you do yourself? Did you listen badly in the lesson? ”There is a risk of even shaking the authorities: go in vain along with the textbook author, teacher, school principal and their relatives to the seventh generation. Therefore, before you sit down for tasks together, review them yourself: you can calmly and painlessly explain to your son which of the first diggers came to Australia, or you have to call the pupils of the excellent student and write off the decision from them.

4. Look for supports

Suppose you do not like your school. There are some inscriptions on the walls, and teachers with strange tattoos are hustling in the locker room. Try to find something for which you can come here. Maybe wonderful children gathered here and they formed a friendly team, singing at breaks of the song in three voices. Or maybe you have an excellent parental committee that organizes wonderful excursions to places of exile of Russian poets. And suddenly those teachers, despite the domes on the forearms, will be masters of their craft? Or at least ski masters? You always need to know that there is something good and valuable, for which you brought gladioli in September at this address.

5. Depreciate School Opportunities

When we react to a problem emotionally, we intensify our fear and stand on its side. The most correct approach is to deprive your fears of strength, that is, stop shuddering when you hear the name of the school headteacher, and treat all the troubles as something insignificant. Yes, perhaps, thanks to the unique teaching methodology, my daughter will forever lose interest in calculating the area of ​​triangles, but by and large, this event is not able to destroy your life and family. And what are these triangles on an eternity scale?

6. Do not let yourself be crushed

The school can very effectively influence the parent, picking a conscience with a pointer: “This is not Petina deuce, but your deuce! We have to study at home! ”So, in a grown woman, a little student of the third“ A ”wakes up, who was first put out the door. There is a temptation to attack the hero of the occasion - the son of Petya - and avenge all the humiliation of past years. This should never be done. When Maryivanna and mother act at the same time and are also armed with cuffs, the last soil emerges from under the feet of the child. It is important to remember that no teacher, no institution has the right to give marks for your parental qualities, as well as write comments in red paste on your business cards.

7. Go your own way

You put up with the school and you know why you can come on Tuesdays, but you still don’t like something: weeks of fast food in the cafeteria and songs by Mikhail Shufutinsky at music classes. Give up! It turns out that no one is obliged to eat the entire set of educational services at a time. This is a very healthy model: to show the child how you take what is suitable and refuse what seems wrong. You will cook dinner with you, but instead of music, arrange to take breakdance lessons from a high school student.

8. Play school

A school is really scary only if it fully determines the life of the child. When this strange institution with its wild rules is just an episode in the life of your student, it is unlikely that it can radically change the picture of the world. Yes, they go in formation there, also in uniform, yes, it’s customary to count cells and for some reason keep watch on the class. Why not play it? In the end, in the club of role-playing gamers, he also does not quite naturally run in a cotton helmet, with a wooden sword and orc ears, but does not complain.

9. Work on protection

Releasing the youngest member of the family for a walk in the rain, we put on him a waterproof jumpsuit and hand in an umbrella. By releasing a comrade into the world or while in a courtyard school, we also provide him with protection from various influences. Only now does an umbrella work that a person has learned in the family - your relationships, values, conversations, books that you read ... Having a good cultural baggage and self-confidence, the child is unlikely to be delighted with the obscene ditty, the competition "who will spit further" or games in the trash inhabitants. In any case, this will not be such a vivid experience as to overshadow your Sunday trip to the conservatory.

10. Believe in a child

If you really think that the child will be offended at school, the teacher will not teach anything, and prescriptions will give birth to complexes for life, it is better to pick up the child from school. Children feel our expectations very well and more often justify them. We can say anything (“You are strong, I believe in you!”), But if inside we only believe that he will now be called “a ceiling with ears”, the child will feel it. The optimal setting - “everything bad will bounce off of him” - works when you are sincerely convinced of this.

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