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Dog food: natural feeding or dry food.

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photo from https://www.pinterest.ru

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Many dog ​​owners are often tormented by the question of the correct feeding of their pets. Someone prefers natural food, while someone prefers only dry food. To say for sure that it is impossible to be more correct, each type of food has its pros and cons.

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photo from https://www.pinterest.ru

When deciding in favor of natural feeding, you need to understand that the food from your table will not work. Here you need a balanced diet, which, unfortunately, is quite expensive and takes a lot of time and effort when cooking. The main thing that should be included in the dog’s menu is meat, not less than 60-70% of the daily norm, the rest is cooked cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal) and vegetables. Preference should be given to beef, although other types of meat are also not contraindicated, with the exception of pork.

In addition, it is necessary to include in the diet: boiled offal, boiled sea fish, but not more than twice a week, dairy products, except for whole milk, as lactose is poorly absorbed, and you can also give a boiled egg three times a week. Due to poor digestion and the risk of damage to the intestines, it is unreasonable to feed the dog bones. Sometimes you can give fruit to pamper your beloved pet. Smoked meats, sweets, baked goods, potatoes, sausages should also not be included in the dog's diet.

In order for natural feeding to include all the necessary nutrients and to be correct, you must always consult a veterinarian. Also, when compiling a diet, he will be able to take into account such important factors as the age of the dog, its breed and weight.

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photo from https://www.pinterest.ru

If you give preference to dry food, then the simplicity of cooking is a big plus, you no longer need to "puzzle" thinking what to cook and stand for hours at the stove. It is only necessary to observe the correct proportion and put food in a bowl. For all its diversity, dry feeds are divided in quality into three groups: economy class, premium class, and super-premium class.

The first group is feeds of not very good quality, which are prepared from offal, cereals and soy. If you feed the dog with feed of this group, then there may be a lack of vitamins, indigestion and allergies. The food of this group is not very satisfying and in order for the dog not to feel hungry and get enough nutrients, it is necessary to feed her with this food much more than the rest.

Premium and super-premium dry feeds are made only from high quality products and do not contain soy. This is a well-balanced food product with high nutritional value and excellent digestibility, which can significantly reduce the portion during feeding. The composition of such feeds includes only beef, poultry, rabbit, lamb, cereals, vegetables and an egg. It is possible to select feeds of the premium group according to such parameters as age, breed and state of health. A big plus of such feeds is that they are quite economical, although they are not cheap.

When choosing dry feeds, it is necessary to pay attention to the country of the manufacturer, the composition, the presence of natural or chemical preservatives, natural dyes, information about the nutrient content, which dogs it is intended for, and, of course, the expiration date.

If the dog does not have digestive problems and eats properly, then it is very active and cheerful, it has a smooth and shiny, odorless coat and this does not depend on what type of food you choose for your pet dry food or natural feeding.

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