One of the biggest "female" fears is the loss of youth and attractiveness. Numerous glossy magazines and Hollywood movies impose a stereotypical idea of female beauty – perfect smooth skin without wrinkles and slim fit figure, at least. Such an idea of the ideal is supported by a huge number of companies engaged in the beauty industry – fitness clubs, cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies, beauty salons, plastic surgery clinics and dietetics. In fact, all this multibillion-dollar business is kept just at the expense of women's complexes and fears. After all, if you do not have a perfect figure and wrinkles have already appeared, then the chance to happily arrange your personal life or move up the career ladder is minimal for you.
Therefore, women buy tons of expensive cosmetics and weight loss products, exhaust themselves with diets and physical exercises, and even decide on a serious surgical intervention. And all this just to get a little closer to the desired ideal. In fact, the fact that beautiful, young and slender women are all polls happy and successful – a big myth. Every woman, no matter how beautiful she was, deep down doubts at least sometimes in their own attractiveness and just buys cosmetics, diets and harass themselves in the gym. Therefore, the only option in this situation is to stop worrying. This is certainly not a reason to eat cakes or throw sports, but everything should be in moderation. Do not sacrifice your own health and starve. We associate harmony with success in personal life, but this is far from the case.
Look around and you will see that often overweight women are much luckier in marriage than your thin friends.
It's one thing when women age to the extent of care revival of youth, other, flowering when young girls begin to be seriously dissatisfied with their appearance. They seem to have forgotten or never knew in the woman the most important personality, zest, charm if you want. And this is not always associated with the beautiful appearance of a person. In an effort to change and improve the shell of the "product", forget about its quality. But learn to appreciate yourself, respect and love, know and use their strengths-a challenge for women. To be able to win over men, to understand them, to be interesting-this is the key to success in your personal life. Look for your style in which you live comfortably. Take care of your inner world, respect your body, help your health. When everything is good with you, you are harmonious and happy, then there will always be men around you.
With concerns about the loss of youth and beauty linked to another phobia – fear of being alone. Psychologists claim that the vast majority of men it is not peculiar, for them it is much more terrible to be insolvent financially. Women same fear to remain alone, without men. Some even are prepared on marriage with unloved man, only would not be single. In many ways, this fear is associated with social stereotypes. If a woman is alone, then there is something wrong with her, no one needs her, she is an old maid. A single man in adulthood is considered a don Juan and almost to old age a sought-after groom.
Women are afraid to be alone. Married ladies are afraid that their husband will change them and go to a younger and slimmer, unmarried – that they will never be able to tie the knot. Get rid of this phobia is not easy, because public opinion over the years has not changed in this regard. However, increasingly, especially in large Metropolitan areas, successful women give birth to children for themselves, not even going to marry. More and more girls are primarily seeking to make a career and earn money for their own homes than becoming married Housewives. More and more women understand that their happiness depends only on themselves regardless of whether there is a permanent man in their life or not.
It is believed that loneliness is one of the existential human Givens. It turns out that we are already initially alone, and then what do we lose? This is a joke, and if you seriously think, the fear of loneliness, we are likely to be afraid of some unpleasant things for us. For example, that we will not as all or in old age not with whom will word have a word. Try to dream more specifically, what is for you behind the concept of loneliness and" see " what it is your frightening loneliness? How real is it? Where will you put your family, friends and children? Your job? To become a truly lonely person, you will need to get rid of everyone and everything and live an outcast.
Being afraid of imaginary loneliness, a person forgets that he is really strong and independent. He alone makes hundreds of decisions about himself and his life every day. Understand and realize this is important especially for women to get away from the desire to hide behind someone's back and shift responsibility. To know exactly – “I got it!"Then it will be easier and more interesting to build a relationship with a man, and there will be no place for fears.