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Everyday Princess

You today my (Continuation of history 24)

"I loved you, Eva Farlow, I loved you. And I guess you never loved me..."

There were short beeps. I breathed a sigh of relief and typed a text to the boss, in which I wrote that I was sick and was going on a long sick leave.

She got out of the car and walked briskly toward the airport. The main thing that there were tickets to Manchester, otherwise, all is lost.

Running to the counter, I handed the passport and quickly said:

- Hello, me, please, one ticket until Manchester, the US. ASAP.

The girl on the other side of the glass looked at me in surprise, and began to type something into the computer.

"You're in luck, there's a connecting flight to Philadelphia in an hour."

— Perfectly.

I paid and sat down on a bench in the waiting room. It would be a twelve-hour flight, and at least I could find the right words for Roger if he saw me.

Remembering that Freddie had asked me to write him flight information, I pulled out my phone and quickly did what my friend asked me to do.

Twelve hours later, the plane landed in Manchester. A large crowd rushed into the waiting room to see their relatives, who met them there. I was looking for a man with a sign that should have my name on it. I didn't find anyone at the airport, so I went outside.

A tall man in his thirties with curly hair and a pointed chin was standing beside a white premium car. In his hand he held a paper on which was written "Miss Farlow." I waved to him and moved toward him.

"Hello, miss Farlow." How was flying? "what is it?" he asked, smiling.

— Hi. Oliver, right? Can I use "you"?

"Yes, of course.

"All right," I said, patting him on the shoulder. I just don't like to be officially addressed, I'm not forty years old!

The boy laughed.

Ten minutes later we were driving down one of Manchester's busiest streets. The city seemed to me very beautiful, I stared out the window like a little child and was amazed by high-rise buildings, beautiful monuments or huge parks.

— How long have you known the boys?" "suddenly I wanted to talk to the guy.

— Sufficiently. I know Freddie best because I'm his assistant — "he said, smiling at me," and I met Roger and Brian about a year ago. Fred introduced them to me after a concert. Jolly fellows, "he added," I know John least of all, for he has only recently joined the band.

"All right," I said — " what do you think of him?"

- Nice, modest guy, but this until that. I'm sure there's a different nature inside him that will come out soon, for he doesn't know the boys very well yet.

"Where are we going?" I decided to change the subject.

"Freddie's booked you into the same hotel as them.

"Damn! I thought, Fred has decided to put me up with Roger so we can finally talk. Dodger!»

We parked in front of a five-star luxury hotel and walked into the lobby. Oliver came up from the front Desk and pointed at me:

— Good afternoon. This Is Eva Farlow. Mr. mercury booked a room in her name.

Kindly, wait a minute — honey the girl began to view the information in the computer — that's right. Here's your key. Sixth floor, room 614.

I took the Elevator to the designated floor and asked Oliver:

"What room does Roger live in?"

He looked at me in surprise and said:

"Fred told me your story, so I know."

I rolled my eyes.

"The drummer lives in 616.

We were just getting off the Elevator, and I screamed:

— Did he do it on purpose? Well, Freddie! I just wanted to see Roger, not start a relationship with him again. I don't want to step on the same rake. And mercury apparently decided to imagine itself a Cupid, damn him!

"That's right, dearie.

I turned to see Fred striding down the long hall in a Japanese-patterned robe. A guy came up to me and warmly embraced:

"How was your flight?" You okay?

— Everything was fine until I heard from Oliver that you put me on the same floor as Roger!" That's fine!

— I'll tell you what, if you're as savage as you are, he'll come out of his apartment and see you a hundred percent!" he chuckled contentedly.

— Damn!

I pushed Freddie closer to the door of my room and opened it. Once everyone was inside I was stunned by the luxury of my room. Everything was furnished in dark green tones, and on the ceiling hung a beautiful large chandelier, which probably cost as much as the whole of my hometown. There was a large bed with two bedside tables, a mahogany dining table and chairs, a balcony, and a bathroom door. I didn't look at the rest of the details, because I really wanted to reprimand Freddie for his act.

— One question-why?" I began, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well, in the first place, dearie, I can see that you love him, and you've told me so yourself, and in the second place, Blondie loves you. I don't understand why the hell you're running from him. Yes, I know, something that happened in London you can't forget. But why blame Roger? You didn't even give him an opinion! Just dropped it!

Freddie scolded me like a little girl. He was right, of course. I just stared at the floor and couldn't say a word. The lump in his throat began to rise slowly, and tears were already rolling from his eyes. The brunette noticed this and hugged me:

— Well, hush, I didn't mean to hurt you — have a calm voice he said, ' I'm sorry if said something wrong.

Oliver stood and looked at us in confusion, and then he went out the door, because he realized that we need to talk alone.

"Well, I called him the other day, and some girl picked up the phone and said Roger was her boyfriend. That's why I decided to fly to the USA. To see if Roger still feels something for me or not. But if he's happy with her, I'll leave. Gone forever.

"Eve, I've never seen him with anyone, I swear. Maybe he'd just spent the night with her. And you can't blame him. you know? He's a free man now!

I couldn't say anything. My heart literally sank, for I began to remember our last conversation when I left him! Man, which love and d love!

My tears made a big wet spot on Freddie's robe, which made him tell me:

- Okay, honey, stop crying. You're here, Roger too. We will establish your personal life. Trust me, I'm at your service.

The guy bowed, which made me laugh.

— We have a concert in a few hours. Get cleaned up and come, Oliver will take you. And then there will be a small party in honor of the played concert. That's where you'll talk.

"Thanks, Fred. You're a true friend.

The guy blew me a kiss and disappeared out the door.

Thank you for attention!

The story continues...