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After opening the tomb, all "rushed" to study the countless treasures that were almost littered with Tutankhamun's tomb (more than 2000 unique items)
Only a decade later, scientists "discovered" that in addition to the inscriptions on the sarcophagi established who was buried in this tomb. No written documents about the life and deeds of king Tutankhamun were found in the tomb.
Who killed Pharaoh Tutankhamun?
So, Tutankhamun (at birth Tutankhamun) was born in 1943 BC he was the son of the Pharaoh-reformer Akhenaton, who tried to replace the many Egyptian gods, gold of the Sun-God Aten.
Because the new Pharaoh was too young, from 1334 to 1326 Egypt was effectively ruled by the Prime Minister of Egypt and commander of the Egyptian army, Horemheb.
As for the Pharaoh Tutankhamun, the first 8 years of his "reign" he spent away from the Egyptian capital, in the city of Amarna, where he accidentally settled with his wife Ankhesenamun (by the way, the granddaughter of AE).
Marriage at 9 years old, nothing special, as according to Egyptian law, Pharaoh had to be married.
When Tutankhamun was 17 years old, He decided to take over all the reins of government in the country. However, after 2 years accidentally (?) broke his leg hunting and died of gangrene.
Given that after the death of Tutankhamun AE almost immediately married his reigning granddaughter and just a year later executed her.
The "hunting accident" and failure to provide proper medical care to the burgeoning Tutankhamun do not seem accidental.
The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.
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