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Everyday Princess

You today my (Continuation of history 22)

"I loved you, Eva Farlow, I loved you. And I guess you never loved me..."

I laughed out loud.

"Well, I wish you luck," I said, lighting a cigarette.

— Let and you find someone, and the you soon will morph into a office plankton!

"Come on," she said, tapping her lightly on the shoulder.

"Suit yourself," Terri shrugged.

We finished our cigarettes and went into the pub. Barely reaching the bar, the friend said to the bartender:

- Buddy, please pour some tequila.

The boy smiled and immediately set to work.

After four drinks, Terri dragged me to the dance floor. The alcohol had gone to my head, so I gave myself up to the dance.

More than two hours had passed. I leaned against the bar and thought about the day. I could no longer hear the loud music; my mind was on one person — Roger Taylor.

"Hey, brother! Please pour me a whisky, " I said.

The bartender that hour complied with my wish and filled a glass of alcohol. Draining my glass, I glanced at the dance floor. Terry was dancing with some guy. A tall young man with black hair. Girlfriend skillfully seduced him, apparently, she still will not leave here alone.

Deciding to smoke a cigarette and get some fresh air, I headed for the exit. Across the street from the pub, there was a square in which I saw a shop.

I staggered to it and plopped down. She lit a cigarette, blew out the smoke, and thought of Roger. I wished a thousand times that I hadn't called him.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked up Taylor's number. My hands were shaking, but I wanted to talk to him and apologize. The phone rang. I was about to press the end button when a voice spoke on the other side of the phone.:

— Hello? Who's this?

It was a woman's voice.

"Can I hear Roger?" "I'm drunk enough," I said.

— How did you get my boyfriend's number?" Another fan? the girl said.

The world just collapsed in that moment. It was my fault, though. With my own hands, I threw our relationship with the drummer into the fire.

I dropped the challenge and covered my face with my hands.

"That's it, "I thought,"Now it's really the end."

I glanced back and saw Terry and her date kissing passionately on the pub porch. Smiling slightly, I got up from the bench and walked closer to the hotel.

"At least someone in this life is lucky! I thought, glancing at the couple again.

As luck would have it, a strong wind rose, even the leaves began to fall from the trees. I quickened my pace to get to my room.

Chilled to the bone, I flew into the lobby of the hotel. The girl at the front Desk smiled sweetly at me. Most of the staff knew me, for I had been here about three weeks. It is urgent to rent an apartment, and then rent a room out too big. I went up to the fifth floor and opened a door marked 511 in neat script.

I could hear my heart pounding in the silence. Taking off my shoes, I shuffled over to the bed and turned on the Desk lamp. Even the dim light hurt my eyes. My drunkenness has passed since the second I answered the unknown girl on the phone Roger…

I covered my face with my hands. In principle, what could expect? I'm the one who insisted on breaking up, and now I regret it. Roger did the right thing, because he, too, has the right to happiness. Perhaps, this girl will become his love until the end of life, and can be and there is no. and that will with me? Nothing... it's My own fault, so I won't blame anyone else. Roger Taylor will remain forever in my heart, I will love him until the end of my days, let nevzaimno, but from one memory of how we were happy for such a short time, I am happy. I will not destroy his relationship, let them live happily ever after.

But suddenly a burning desire began to Wake up in me. I wanted to see him one last time. Just to see from afar. Now the band tour America, so my crazy idea took possession of me completely, for I can see the person you love, and then to walk in the country in which they wanted to live.

Remembering that I had Freddie's card somewhere, I started digging in my bag.

"Where is she?" I shouted, dumping the contents of my bag onto the bed.

The card wasn't there. I couldn't remember where I'd put it. Break almost entire room, I already despaired, but saw treasured glossy of paper with number, which was attached to mirror.

Grabbing my phone from the bedside table, I dialed Freddie's number. It's daytime in America, so there was no fear that the singer would be woken up by my call in the middle of the night. There were long beeps that seemed to go on forever.

"Yes," said a familiar voice.

"Freddy, it's eve!" Hello, said happily I walked over to the window which was overlooking a large shopping centre. There was no sign of him now.

"Darling, it's good to hear from you. So, tell me, how are you?

"It could have been better, Fred. Tell me, am I interrupting?

- Of course you're not. Is something wrong? already an excited voice, asked the singer.

My voice began to tremble. I knew I was going to cry — did Roger have a girlfriend?

There was a short silence.

"I honestly don't know. Maybe someone is, but I haven't seen Blondie with a girl.

— I want to come to America — " I said firmly.

— We're in Seattle, but we have a concert in Manchester the day after tomorrow. Come there, we will be very happy to see you. By the way, we have a new bass player — John. Such a modest fellow, but I'm sure he'll show his mettle yet, " laughed Freddy.

— I'm very glad for you, "I answered sincerely," but don't tell anyone I'm coming just yet. Especially Roger. Let it be our little secret.

"Of course, dear," the boy exclaimed, " but I didn't understand why you were going."

— I want to see Roger one last time and that's it, " I said, sobbing.

"Do you love him?" Freddy asked, suddenly serious.

"I love him, but I can't be with him."…

Tears began to choke me, and I couldn't speak.

"I don't understand you, eve. You'd know how Blondie suffers, you've never seen him like this. I hope you two make up.

"Yeah —" I said, sobbing.

"All right, don't cry. I'll meet you in Manchester. My friend Oliver will meet you at the airport and take you to the concert venue. Just send me the flight number and the time you'll arrive in America." I must run. Kisses, " Freddy said, and hung up.

Thank you for attention!

The story continues...