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Everyday Princess

You today my (Continuation of history 20)


"I loved you, Eva Farlow, I loved you. And I guess you never loved me..."

Chapter 10.

I walked happily out of the Bank and up to my room. On the way to the hotel, I was ready to kiss everyone and everything, because I was hired as a Bank employee and tomorrow I need to go to work. From now on, everything will be different-a different life, different people. But I couldn't forget about Roger. He must be going mad now, or he may have forgotten me long ago. Anything could happen, it's Roger Taylor.

Going to my room, I called my mother and told her the important news. She was happy for me, of course, but she knew something was wrong with me. I tried to explain to my mother that everything was fine, but apparently a mother's heart could not be deceived.

I hung up and hung up. I'll tell her about my problems later, but I don't need to tell her yet. I decided to take a little walk around London, because I was just in a great mood. After changing from a strict outfit in a peach-colored skirt, white top and jeans, went to one of the nearby parks, where it was not crowded. I took my headphones out of the small bag at my belt, turned on a cheerful song almost at full volume, and happily walked along the huge flower beds, sometimes dancing.

Suddenly I noticed a familiar silhouette coming towards me. I froze in place, as if glued to the asphalt path. As luck would have it, there was no hiding place I could hide in. But alas, the guy noticed me and walked quickly forward.

"Hello, darling." "how are you?" he asked happily. Roger's restless, always trying to find you.

"Hi, Freddie," I said, " I'm doing great, I've got a job."

I tried to ignore the singer's words about Roger.

— Why did you leave SOHO?" After what happened?

His dark brown eyes looked at me sadly. Fred looked sorry for what had happened.

"In a way, Yes. I don't want to go back to my old life, now everything suits me.

- And Rog? Have you thought of him?"

The boy ran a hand through his thick black hair.

I shrugged.

"Please, Freddie, if you're a friend of mine, don't tell him we've met. I don't want to get caught up in this whirlwind of drummer-related events again.

— Why do you speak so coldly of him?" Roger really loves you, believe me. Now he's just in a depressed state, which he, in principle, is not peculiar.

I was silent. Every night I had tantrums about a guy. I really wanted to see him, hug, or even at least a couple of minutes to stand next to him, feeling his scent.

"Too many bad things have happened since I met him," I said.

"And you blame Roger?" "Promise me you'll talk to him, eve." I can't watch my best friend suffer. The day after tomorrow, our band is going to America for a month on tour, and he's not ready to play.

"What?" You on tour? I asked anxiously.

Violent thoughts now raged in my head. Roger never even mentioned the tour. Wow! I was the last to know!

"You didn't know?" the soft, velvety voice brought me back to reality. Now you know. I'm sorry, but I have to run, " Freddy said, handing me a card. If you need anything, or if you just want to talk, call me any time, day or night.

The singer smiled and hugged me.

"Promise you won't tell anyone you saw me," I said, fighting back tears.

"Of course, dear. But you have to promise me that you'll at least call Roger and you'll just talk.

I nodded. The guy pulled away from me and walked in the opposite direction, leaving me alone with my own thoughts.

Freddy got into the small van and sat down next to Roger.

— Where have you been?" bree mumbled, clearly in a bad mood today.

"I just saw an old friend," he said calmly.

- Guys, Brock just called. He asked to come to him, to discuss any details tour, - trying to stop beginning scandal, interrupted their John, a new bassist groups.

"The tour hasn't even started yet, and I'm covered in soap," Brian snorted again, and stared out the window.

Roger was also sitting by the window, his head leaning against it. The last time he was tacit, and even, when Brock found a new stakeholder groups, in return Tim, blond not went on Banquet, in honor this events.

"Blondie, how are you?" Freddy asked.

"It will do," replied the drummer in a monotone.

The singer was very hurt to see his friend so killed. She wanted to tell him that eve had just spoken to him and promised to get in touch soon. But he couldn't. Promise above all.

"Rog, I don't recognize you," bree said suddenly. Trust me, things will get better soon.

The drummer just shook his head and took out another cigarette.

Thank you for attention!

The story continues...