"I loved you, Eva Farlow, I loved you. And I guess you never loved me..."
The doctor looked at the boy, who was fighting back tears, and realized that it was better to leave him alone.
— I can't wait any longer!" Roger shouted, and hurried into the ward. It was followed by Emma.
- Young people, you there cannot be! the receptionist shouted.
Roger walked over to the bar and said:
"My name is Taylor. Rosalie Taylor is the head doctor here, and she's also my sister. If there's a problem, call her.
The girl sat down in a chair and said no more.
"Come on," Roger said to Emma, and they hurried back into the ward.
A few minutes later the blond saw his sister, who was walking down the corridor of the hospital, flipping through some documents.
"Roger, that's the girl Jim left with," Emma said, pointing to the medic.
Rosalie saw her brother and hurried to him:
"Rog, I told you not to get up. A traumatic brain injury is not to be trifled with! the girl began to raise her voice.
"Tell me, what's wrong with eve?" Is she alive? her brother interrupted.
There was silence. Rosalie knew that this was the girl he was in love with.
- She's in a coma, we're doing everything we can.
After that, Emma became hysterical. Rosalie dragged her away to give her a sedative.
"Rog, you don't have to go to Eva's right now because her fiance is outside.
After these words drummer remained one in the corridor, he thought, that need to do, go or not to chamber, because this guy will not very something glad his headline -.
— To hell with it." I need to see her!" Roger said to himself, and went confidently in search of the right room.
Jim looked up and saw a guy in the distance, looking around. As soon as Roger saw the young man sitting on the floor with his face in his hands, he slowed his pace.
He wanted to find the right words, but could not — in anybody all messed up, guy nothing not understood, if the entire this history occurred not with him. But Jim was much more confident at the moment, so he stood up and pounced on the guy coming up screaming:
— Why did you come here, huh?" Look at the fruits of their efforts?! Well look! Look! he grabbed the drummer by the hand above the shoulder and like a helpless kitten, dragged him to the glass chamber, if you hadn't appeared in the life of eve, nothing of this would have happened, and now it is unknown whether she lives or not!
Roger could not argue with Jim, for in his heart he blamed himself. If he hadn't invited eve to the concert, she would have been fine.
— Why don't you say something?"! Answer me! Are you satisfied, Roger Taylor?!
Jim hissed in the boy's ear with such venom that if they had not been in the hospital ward he would have torn him to pieces.
"I didn't mean for it to happen like this," Roger whispered.
— If eve dies, I'll kill you with my own hands, you brat!" Jim grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and told the drummer.
Roger turned and looked into the boy's eyes, which were red with tears, and answered:
— I'll give you the chance if Eva's gone." But I believe she will recover, " Rog said, tears streaming from his beautiful mirror-blue eyes.
— I'll remember your words."
Jim released his grip and let go of his opponent's shirt collar. He glared at him again, and then walked away from the hospital.
Roger was alone in the empty corridor of the hospital. He looked again at the girl lying in the room, put his hand to the glass, and exhaled, slowly opened the door. Jim had apparently been told not to let Rosalie in, but as the nurse was the head doctor, the drummer thought he could do anything.
Eva was lying on the bed, and beside her was a pile of equipment that monitored the condition of the victim. Roger walked over to the hospital bed and slowly knelt beside it.
— Forgive me... — the guy took the woman's hand in his hands, — I didn't want to because I hurt someone, especially a girl that I like. Even though we've only known each other a few days, you wouldn't believe I've changed. My nascent feelings for you sincerely, I thought I'd meet such a beautiful and at the same time a brazen girl, the guy laughed and wiped his left palm tears, I pray to God one thing: for you to live. As long as you're alive, Eva. Even if you marry that guy, I'll know you're around. Don't push me away, darling. I will always be there to help. I guess I love you, Eva Farlow. ...
The guy kissed the wrist of his beloved, and putting his head on his hand, closed his eyes.
Three weeks passed. Eve was still dazed. Emma and Jim were constantly in the hospital, the girl's parents also came often. Roger didn't show up again because Jim had paid the medical staff to keep the drummer out. Rosalie had some circumstances, and she flew from London to America.
After the fire at the club began a long trial. In the end, the culprits were the companies that were engaged in the installation of scenery and the staff of the club, responsible for fire safety. Some people went to spend the rest of their lives in prison, and the rest paid huge compensation to the families of the victims and the dead.
The group also raised funds and later transferred them to their own relief Fund. The public stopped blaming group members for what happened, for everyone to know who is responsible for real.
Thank you for attention!
The story continues...