"I loved you, Eva Farlow, I loved you. And I guess you never loved me..."
The next day, I woke up earlier than usual. I couldn't get last night out of my head.
After what happened to me on the street, I found Emma and told her everything. But my friend was not up to it, she was drunk, so I had to drag her home.
"Eve, get some water," Emma moaned.
"There's a bottle on the nightstand," I said.
The girl rose from the bed and began to drink water greedily. When she had emptied most of the bottle, she sighed:
— I don't remember much. How could you be so angry in such a short time? — what is it? " she asked, surprised at herself.
"You must have a talent —" I laughed.
— Probably. And by the way, as I recall, you left the club somewhere, what happened?
— I told you yesterday." I sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Eve, I don't remember anything.
There was a silence, and my friend looked at me questioningly.
"Okay," I said.
After that, Emma started asking me a bunch of questions.:
— You didn't even ask him his name?"! You fool! "I'm sorry," she said, getting out of bed.
"Why?" I didn't care, " I said, following her into the kitchen.
You're weird. It was obvious he was trying to hit on you, and you turned him down. At least describe this guy.
"A regular guy - a little taller than me, blond. The eyes seem blue, I just couldn't see.
- Well beautiful? "what?" she asked.
— Pretty.
"I don't understand you at all now," Emma sighed, picking up her towel from the back of the chair, " if he's nice and he's helped you, why didn't you meet him?" Maybe you could finally find yourself a normal boyfriend.
- You fool, go where you're going.
I turned away and hurried to get ready for work.
Weather, surprisingly, today was good. The sun was peeking out from behind the clouds, and there was little wind.
I put on jeans and a black t-shirt with some kind of print, and over the leather jacket in red. She could barely get her thick, ash-colored hair into a high ponytail. Making the most natural makeup, just a little accentuating the lips, grabbed a black bag and went to the exit.
I was at work all day. It's a good thing that at least ten people came for flowers, and I had at least some revenue.
In the evening, before going home, I went to the grocery store. People were crowded, so I had to go through the right Windows sometimes. As I approached the liquor Department, I realized I saw a familiar silhouette. But while my thoughts were gathering, this man came up to me:
"Hey, baby. I didn't expect to see you here. How did you rest yesterday? "what is it?" the boy asked, smiling.
"Fine," I muttered, and headed for the cash register.
"It's not polite to leave when the other person hasn't finished speaking," he hurried after me.
I silently paid for all purchases and went outside. The guy was not far behind.
The blond man caught up with me and walked in silence. This situation was starting to bother me, and I asked,:
— What do you want?" Why are you following me?
— Finally you spoke, I really thought that it will pass in silence, laughed the man, lighting a cigarette, I just decided to keep you company, and then you kind of gloomy.
I knew the guy was messing with me. But, fortunately, my house was already close.
— My mood was fine until you showed up."
- Even so? - surprised guy, - I can this correct.
"More damage?" Yes, you can do that! I said, heading for the front steps of the house.
"Wait —" he said, grabbing my arm —
I glanced at the guy. Only now was able to consider how it is beautiful, with thick blond hair touched his shoulders and deep blue eyes framed by lush eyelashes, as if peering into the soul, turning everything. White shirt,
the top buttons of which were undone and the dark classic trousers were a chic addition to the beautiful appearance. Something jumped in my chest, but I immediately came to my senses.
I jerked my hand away and hurried to the door.
He squatted down.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Go away!
"I'll wait for you to come out to me," he said, looking off into the distance.
"I don't even know your name," I said.
"Roger," he said, lighting another cigarette.
"All right, Roger. I tell you.
The boy sat up and smiled.
—You will sit here until you are mad, for I will never go anywhere with you, " I answered aloud, slamming the door.
We'll see about that, Roger thought, and sat down on the ladder.
When I got home, I threw all the bags of food on the floor and went into the living room, where Emma was sitting.
— What are you so angry about?" she went out into the hall to do some shopping.
— Don't tell me anything." This guy is stalking me, and now he's sitting on the stairs! I shouted, dropping my jacket to the floor and heading for my friend.
- Really? Emma asked in surprise and went to the window.
The girl ran into the room for the phone, she quickly went to the Internet and typed something into the search box.
"Eve, do you know who he is?" It's Roger Taylor! - once again reviewing a photo and comparing to the person who was near our house.
"That doesn't mean anything to me," I said, and went to unpack.
- You really don't know who he is? This is the drummer of the famous rock band "Queen". The very fact that Roger Taylor is waiting for you outside is driving me crazy! Emma shouted at the apartment.
"Oh, come on. I don't care who God is, but I don't need to act like this.
— What did he do?" Roger took you to the club, and now he's sitting on the stairs waiting for you to come out to him. That's sweet, Eva, Wake up! You're missing out on a chance like this!
— He offered me to sleep, like gratitude for what brought me to the club — I started to yell at Emma — I know what he wants. He'll sleep with me and forget, and then you can live with it.
She started to say something again, but I turned and went back to my room.
Thank you for attention!
The story continues...