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What is «Stigmata»
One of the most mysterious and unexplored phenomena from the point of view of science is the appearance of stigmata on the human body.
Stigmata are the appearance of wounds, scars or other marks on a person's body that resemble the wounds of Jesus Christ that were present on his body after the crucifixion.
These are wounds from nails on the hands and feet, a wound in the heart from a spear, traces of a crown of thorns on the forehead, as well as a bruise on the shoulder, received by Christ when carrying the cross.
Stigmata — signs of Christ's suffering or the human soul?
Stigmata appear exclusively in adherents of the Roman Catholic Church.
The origin of these scars is not always possible to determine, and the Catholic priests themselves call them divine or diabolical, depending on the degree of piety of their wearer and other reasons.
For example, if a person openly displays their markings in order to attract attention, the nature of stigmata is considered diabolical.
Rarely appear stigmata in the form of through wounds on the hands and feet, often fixed superficial wounds on the hands and feet and marks from the crown of thorns.
There were even cases where the stigmata were not wounds, but, on the contrary, growths that mimicked nails.
Very rarely there are stigmata in the form of bruising from carrying the cross on the back of the shoulder.
Stigma of a nun.
An example of the emergence of stigmata is the case of an eighteenth-century nun who had stigmata on her body.
In addition, it is interesting that most of her life she spent in a religious trance, depicting the suffering of Christ and sometimes Catholic saints.
Note that the vast majority of stigmata had women, and ardent Catholics.
Can, from this should do some conclusion…
What is the nature of stigmata?
Father Thurston, who has studied cases of stigmata, said that often cases of stigmatism, although not suspicious of authenticity, rather speak of the mental illness of these women.
An example of this is the self-torture of some Catholic women who had stigmata on their bodies.
So, Domenica Lazarri and Teresa Higginson beat themselves with their fists.
Yes so, that on the street was heard.
They thought the devil controlled their blows.
Saint Mary de'pazzi loved to inflict physical punishment on herself and her novices.
The Stigmata Of Giorgio Bongiovanni.
Among scientists, there is the term "stigmata complex", which they refer mainly to hysteria, mild excitability or pathological lies of a person prone to outbursts of irritation.
In short, stigmata on the body are associated with hysteria, although it offends the feelings of Catholic believers.
After all, saints like Padre PIO, Teresa and Gemma Galgani were also stigmatized for being humble and quiet.
But in their lives, scientists find evidence of disorders such as hypersensitivity and disease, often strange: sudden loss of consciousness, vision, ability to move and so on.
The behaviors and abilities of many stigmatized individuals were similar to those of shamans.
Trance, levitation, fire resistance, healing people, split personalities, and the ability to speak different languages were frequent companions of stigma.
Teresa Newman, who lived in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, attracted the attention of scientists and researchers. She was declared blessed after she was healed of blindness and paralysis. And soon after, her stigma began. Every Thursday and Friday she was exposed to bleeding stigmata on her body, accompanied by religious ecstasy.
Observers have described such trances, accompanied by tears of blood and the spontaneous appearance of stigmata. Although skeptics claimed that it was the fruit of self-torture, those who were personally present confirmed the truth of the stigmata.
The Stigmata Therese Newman
The variety of forms and types of stigmata is so great that it suggests their psychic origin. Many of the wounds were shaped like crucifixes, which their owners loved and knew. Also, the wounds on the hands and feet vary depending on how the believers imagined them.
One of the most famous owners of stigmata was the Italian Padre PIO, who had clairvoyance, the ability to biolocation and healing.
His wounds on his hands and feet bled and caused terrible suffering.
The stigmata on the body were constantly bandaged, but the bleeding did not stop, nor did the infection begin for fifty-seven years.
The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.
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