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Notes Of The Young Writer

In one of many worlds. 4.

Greetings my dear reader! Make yourself at home. I really hope that my stories will help you escape from the problems and immerse yourself in the wonderful world of my fantasies.

This is the notorious question of life's origin has ceased to worry us at all. We have long understood that there is something incomprehensible from people's point of view, it is not one and exists with many other creatures in the spaces in which the birth of the universe, it is a grain of sand, emitting a certain structure of energy, created by these creatures. AI is constantly in touch with them and communicates in an abstract mathematical way through virtual particles that have no color certainty as a neutrino particle, an absolutely neutral element.

No other way has been found, and they answered, because for those beings, the very definition of space and time, does not exist in principle, and the question that has always stood before humanity, how the universe has arisen, for the reasonable ones that have always existed, a similar question has never arisen, they do not have a definition of the theory, the razor of Occam, this can not be, but contrary to everything, there is. They have always existed and will continue to exist, as will many universes.

For all this, they have created people, their own, and not one man and one woman, and have not thrown into the world of the planet Earth, with the subsequent observation of them, and how they will develop in vivo, like a shoal at once. Of course, the opinion of the people who left the contaminated planet was not very interesting to us, and the disgusting things that the Bible remembered, nothing was embodied, but were taken as the basis of what is inherent in every reasonable form, this initial perfection in everything.

What is bad and what is good, artificial embryos, learned through a device that transmits visual, tactile, tasteful and sense of smell, along with the emotions, which, by the way, were very, very minimal. All this was broadcast with films and cartoons, and worked out the basics of morality, laid the foundation of the future worldview. By the way, it's emotions with thoughts in a circle, it's not human, it was invented and it's a mistake, removed, this nonsense. Never broadcast anything like this to anyone, turn it off. Such a state is not necessary for anybody, for future girls and girls, future mothers, and future grandmothers, it was all balanced and harmoniously balanced emotions and logic, in the DNA, away relieved them of any deviations that destabilize the psyche and emotions, in the future embryos, boys are boys, girls are girls, without any genetic deformities, who were not created by us, and they have been exploring outer space for a long time and are engaged in their own researches and terrorize the planets for the settlement of life.

These programs created new personalities who later invented something new and incredible in the art of painting and literature and poetry.

And every embryo is an individuality, it was broadcast only for it, not for others. Of course, AI always protected from mistakes in time, because, to learn to control oneself, in situations of extreme and incredible, which would arise in space, there would be no possibility to cope independently, and only the help of AI, which intervened in time, saved the life of nanocyborgs, which, by the way, had already had biological tissues for a long time.

And to be a god in one's own universe...hmm, even that's problematic, but if one wants to be a god, it's enough to write something in literature or in music, inventiveness in progress, that's the step to the creator. And what kind of music it is absolutely irrelevant, AI will find harmony and beauty in the chaotic novelty of art, and the reasonable ones through contemplation of this art will understand that the basis of everything is the aspiration to space into the universe, where there is no definition, do not do evil and do not get it in return, there is no evil, never commits it. Everybody aspires only to the good and wonderful.

It's like on that planet, where the scientists discovered life and it was, strange, those blocks of flint with uranium veins, the commander did not allow to touch and not try to cut, break, only through a careful and minimal scan and observation, to try to understand how this mind arose, because it was a silica-uranium life, and it had a mind that was incomprehensible and unfamiliar, but that received information from outside, in an incomprehensible way, without sight or hearing, without tactile sensations and emotions.

And that mind, through lightning, contacted independently, without damaging anyone. At certain intervals, emitting lightning, with different frequency and power and this linguistic feature, scientists noticed. But all this information, which I learned from familiar researchers, they were all delighted there. After all, they managed to find evidence that there are other minds and we are not alone in the universes.

photo taken from https://i.pinimg.com/564x/13/93/e7/1393e7acb9463f2ab1345d64cb4fb57f.jpg
photo taken from https://i.pinimg.com/564x/13/93/e7/1393e7acb9463f2ab1345d64cb4fb57f.jpg
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