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Notes Of The Young Writer

In one of many worlds. 3.

Greetings my dear reader! Make yourself at home. I really hope that my stories will help you escape from the problems and immerse yourself in the wonderful world of my fantasies.

How many things have been done, and cyborgs have created emotions to feel the beauty of art and poetry, music and nature itself, thanks to the developed intellect. Numerous films were also made, as most of them had nothing to do, although many, all of them, had a desire to contemplate something, nobody was deprived of the beautiful and those qualities that they had modelled and created over time. These works of art, forever and ever, have been preserved for many, with the information that is available to the general public in the planetary information network, well, almost all, much stored in the public domain, this precaution is necessary. Still, cyborgs from nanoparticles are not quite biological creatures, but it does not prevent us from knowing and feeling, understanding and compassionate, thinking and dreaming...hmm, many people think about different things, many people are endowed with consciousness, creativity is so...hmm, diverse and that will make someone from the cyborg think about it, only the planetary artificial mind knows, and keeps it in the strictest secret. Confidentiality and all that.

However, recently, twenty years ago, and in our opinion, one hundred and fifty years ago, ships with cyborgs, sent to the coordinates that were found in the archives, contacted people living in huge ships.

Um, the information was interesting, these people, time in vain did not lose, and colonized the planets found out by them long ago and here what nature at these, people, they have constructed, but have started to pollute, any chemical industrial waste, planets on which lived.

Organics, though it was once a human being and, as they say, wasn't perfection... But how so? Was it an idea to create people as they are?

Hmm, however, someone in numerous parallel universes created life, in all its variety and splendor.

And how did this happen? Let their microcircuits strain their planetary computers, created on planets and satellites, of the Solar System, they have something to think about and create numerous, computer models. They know better, with their capabilities.

However, they live well, they shared information and learned that the planet Earth is great again and is inhabited by a large, lively life, they wanted to fly in. Um, they will come as tourists, nothing more. This planet is an excellent resort, and it has long been without what it was cleared of. Most of the necessary industrial products

to be produced in orbit and on other planets. And the Earth is magnificent in its nature. And the majority of nano-cyborgs, rest on it and live fine.

However, due to the presence of people, we all faced the question, is it necessary to create people?

And after all have come to the general consent, it is necessary, but we will create them, perfect and without lacks, and they will create the projects and will realize, and will inhabit other planets which have been found out in powerful telescopes, in other star systems and after terroforming, will be suitable for settling in new life.

With the people who colonized the planets and flew on to the galaxy in search of life and new planets, the common interests were found and helped in technology and shared knowledge that preceded their development in several million years.

photo taken from https://i.pinimg.com/564x/93/7a/ea/937aea25b1ea0c7d1b3dc715ecac8a75.jpg
photo taken from https://i.pinimg.com/564x/93/7a/ea/937aea25b1ea0c7d1b3dc715ecac8a75.jpg

... to be continued...

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