Greetings my dear reader! Make yourself at home. I really hope that my stories will help you escape from the problems and immerse yourself in the wonderful world of my fantasies.
This story tells about the soul of a man who, by the age of forty in his native world, had retained a childish perception of the world in which he lived, and then died, but rose again in another, which he remembered from the cartoons.
I lived as a human being, and now I'm a robot... a janitor. Yeah, there was no one to evaluate the humor of the situation, one on the planet...well, almost one, but if we take into account a lot of equipment and a computer network, with huge knowledge and those complexes of factories, with automatics and the number of museums and in general, the planet was certainly littered and littered, ... people. Mnda, to rank to a reasonable kind, similar kind it was difficult ... rather and it is rather difficult. Even in my world, they didn't do that. Well, that's not my professional thesis. Education of the higher education was not in the past life and in general, was rather frivolous, but having appeared on a planet where there is no any reasonable, even in prisons and psychiatric hospitals, ... in the general was nobody. It was found out through a common planetary network, a good source of energy, was, it is wind generators and solar panels, preserved in different parts of the planet, and connected to a common network. And they worked and supplied energy, despite the dust storms.
Manda, here I am a month, and here absolutely does not hold out, to clean up garbage numerous, in a current of some hundreds years or a thousand, here I do not know, on how many would suffice me, however it is not important. I didn't want to go to cinemas, to live in a huge garbage collector's loader, there was absolutely no desire, though it was metallic, but my emotions were preserved. Miracles and only.
Being at the top of the skyscraper, and examining the city landscape with eyepieces, he was in contemplation of this "masterpiece" of civilization of a biological kind of reasonable beings.
As the general knowledge was available, thanks to the info-network and superficial knowledge on films taken from the Internet from the past life, as well as there were, opinion, knowledge so to themselves, were not too great, but for considerations at an intuitive level, that it will be possible to create were available.
Thinking about the eternal and immutable, that is, in my position, about visiting the toilet did not have to worry, as well as washing in the bath. All the more so about food, recharge your batteries and moustache.
Looking around the buildings with broken windows, I visited the illumination of questioning thought... What am I supposed to do here?
The question is, why was my soul born on this planet?
The answer to myself, by chance, has found a mistake somewhere in the universe, if I got to the planet, where I was completely alone.
Manda, there was no one to turn to for help. One lonely one, though again kill yourself, but uselessly, the chassis was broken and the body was distorted, eyepieces were completely broken, but the microcircuit, in which my soul was enclosed, remained purposeful.
Can you imagine that the oblique robot without a working running gear, with broken claws, not sighted, managed to repair itself, being guided only by hearing?
But how did you repair it? While flying down, another body of the same robot saw, it was not far away, just a few dozen meters away, it was remembered.
And crawling towards him, he thought how to insert his chip into another body, and at the same time, to ensure that the energy that remained in the broken battery did not run out.
Yeah, I came up with the idea and connected the wires, I wasn't sure, but something helped me, an accident, or, if I didn't count one soul in the Universe, I started to look for it, and when I found it, I couldn't get my soul out of the microcircuit. Maybe they could, but somehow they didn't.
But I don't think about philosophy issues. After that, for two weeks, I was doing self-repairs, I was doing my handicrafts and I didn't feel like throwing myself off the roof anymore.
Now my chip wasn't in the janitor's office, now my chip was in a mechanical body designed for police cyborgs. The chip fit into the socket, and fortunately everything was standardized, only the programs were different.
... to be continued...
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