As much as we love to spend time with loved ones, each of us needs a moment of privacy. How to find a place for this in your own home?
When several people live in a small one-room apartment, it seems almost impossible to find a secluded place and relax from the hustle and bustle. It is especially difficult to find a place — and time-for yourself if you have children, simply because they want to give all their attention. But personal time, time only for yourself, the need for privacy-the basic needs of any healthy person.
Even if you are willing to forget about your health, keep in mind: your nervousness will inevitably affect the relationship with the household.
Therefore, it is extremely important to spend at least part of the day alone — it is only a question of the amount of time you personally need. And, of course, in how to organize a place for privacy. Let's talk about how to find both.
How much time and space do you need?
Someone is vital to be alone and go about their business most of the day, and someone may well be content with a few hours a week. Only you are able to give the answer to this question — we are all different, and each of us requires a different amount of time for privacy.
As a practicing psychologist, I strongly recommend interior designers to negotiate with the customer not only the style and color of the future interior. If you are developing a project of small-sized housing, be sure to check with the customer how much time he needs for solitude. When you get an answer, you can pay more attention to planning separate areas for privacy for each family member.
There are two groups of ways of privacy: those that can be undertaken without a global alteration of the premises, and those that still require financial investment, time and professional approach to planning. What I'm going to refer to as the first group, you can start right now, and it does not need to spend a lot of money (but perhaps some preparation will be useful here).
The implementation of the recommendations of the second group will have to trust professionals and combine with the planned renovation of the apartment.
What do you need to do right now?
1. Remove unnecessary things! Look at the photo: there is so much hanging, lying, standing, tied, nailed and laid out! In such an atmosphere it is very difficult to concentrate and feel anything other than the bustle, not to mention the tranquility, loneliness and harmony. But it is enough to hide all this kitchen equipment in the closet, and you will feel like cooking dinner turns into a vacation.
This problem is acute not only in the kitchen. Start cleaning from the place in your apartment where you can lie down or sit down — that is, from the chair or sofa. Take a critical look at your surroundings. Then put things in order at least around the sofa or bed.
1. Open the curtains, let the light into the room. In large and cold cities, where the sky is grey and where the cold lasts most of the year, there is a strong lack of sunlight. Your way out is to open the curtains. Even if the Windows of your home face the North or the path of sunlight blocks the neighbor's balcony. If it happens in the evening — be sure to turn on the light. Ideally, if in the corner chosen for your future shelter, put a floor lamp or any other additional light source — it will create a sense of comfort.
2. Make a schedule. I understand very well that there aren't many recreational opportunities if you're a housewife with young children. However, think about when you could free up half an hour or an hour for yourself. Even a few tens of minutes alone will give you the opportunity to feel renewed.
If you're still having trouble figuring out when to allow yourself privacy, I suggest you write down everything you do during the day on a piece of paper. You may need to fix your schedule for a few days before you see the patterns and find a "window"for yourself.
1. It's time to talk to the household. Tell them you definitely need half an hour or an hour a day without the fuss of being alone. Explain why this is so important to you. Resort to so-called" I-messages", that is, talk about yourself, about what you feel, what you want. Do not forget to suggest exactly how you want to organize it. After such a Frank conversation, relatives will certainly meet you halfway and help in the implementation of your plans. You will be surprised, but even small children will understand it!
2. All set! Now let's talk about what you can do alone:
* Imagine that you are in a separate bedroom: close your eyes with a sleep mask and listen to your favorite music with headphones. Try to NAP.
* Have a Cup of tea or coffee while reading a magazine or book.
• You can try to draw anything that comes to your mind with colored pencils, let the course are paired colors-purple and orange, blue and yellow — and it does not matter whether you know how to draw, this is one of the popular ways in psychology to get rid of stress.
* Chat on the phone with those with whom you have not talked for a long time.
Think of something very important — I'm sure you know what it is.
* Completely relax-take a bath with aromatic foam.
Now move to the second group recommendations, namely: that and as finalize an in a residential space. Again, it would be nice to entrust this work to professionals, interior designers, and realize simultaneously with the repair.
At the stage of space planning, provide room dividers: walls, curtains, racks. They will help to make zoning, even very conditional (say, created by a combination of different colors).
If the ceiling height allows, organize a "second floor" - maybe you can arrange a small cozy nest there.
Tidy up the balcony and do not use it as a warehouse for things that will never be useful to anyone. Let there be better a place for rest and contemplation of nature, whatever it may be. Treat the balcony as separate room, there pokleit Wallpaper in relaxing lilac tones, consider the interior.
If there is a niche in the wall, place a sofa or chair there. This will allow you to feel more privacy, comfort and tranquility.
Perhaps that would be enough. I hope you try to change something in your life, and finally feel better.