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Concern for spirituality

Well, if the previous recommendations to sleep well, eat well, exercise-were quite clear, then what about this? What's the meaning of that?

For many people, taking care of spirituality means observing religious rites, going to the temple, reading relevant books, being a believer. For other people-it has nothing to do with traditional religion or ideas about God.

What is meant in this article under the concept of "spirituality"? It is about something that is individually yours that allows you to feel involved in something that you consider meaningful and "sacred." No matter to what or to whom specifically. For someone it may be God, for someone he himself, other people, nature, art, kindness.

Regardless of what exactly you consider sacred or spiritual, the fact that you have it gives you a lot of advantages, including a good mood, a lower level of anxiety and even less risk of disease or various pains.

What gives a person spirituality:

belief in something.

* meaning and reason.

* concentration on your inner world or wisdom of a higher order.

* the ability to understand what suffering is.

* connect with others.

Science & spirituality, what do they have in common?

* Brain research shows that those who say a prayer or meditate, at this point recorded increased activity in the brain areas, "responsible" for well-being.

* Heart surgery survivors recover faster if they have faith (in something). Compared to those who do not have it, or it is weaker.

* Spirituality (or faith) helps fight stress — and stress is known to cause disease.

What are the ways:


Of course, you should not consider religion as a "cure for diseases", in the sense — "take one prayer once a day — and everything will be fine", or in the sense — to be baptized before taking off the plane, and nothing more, that's all your faith is over. But on the other hand, even a little involvement can give you a lot of engagement.

* Attend services. If you have chosen this path to develop your spirituality, visit the temple regularly. This will help you to be happier and calmer, and will also affect your lifestyle (it is likely that you will reduce the use of cigarettes or alcohol).

* Say your prayers. If you wish, do it in accordance with the precepts of your religion, in a prescribed place and at a prescribed time. If you want in a different way-it is also useful for the development of your spirituality.

* Read books about your faith. Take time to think about what these texts mean to you.

* Find "like-minded people" and communicate, help each other — you can learn a lot from each other.

* Work in a temple or volunteer for a charity project.


If for any reason you think traditional religion is not quite your thing, then maybe you will like meditation. Meditation also has beneficial effects on mental and physical health: calms, helps fight depression and anxiety, reduces the risk of high blood pressure, etc.

A few minutes a day is enough to start developing your spirituality along this path. Afterwards, you may like to meditate for 10-20 minutes a day. You can buy a book, download video lessons, find classes near you — any option is suitable. You can try the tips from the list below. The main thing-remember that if it does not work-stay calm...and try something else.

Types of meditation:

• Deep breathing. Sit or lie down comfortably. Put your hands on your stomach. Inhale slowly, counting to 4. Feel your stomach and hands rise. Hold your breath for a second. Exhale slowly, counting to 4. Repeat several times.

In mindfulness. Concentrate on your breathing. Close his eyes. Try to notice everything that comes into your consciousness (smells, sounds, air movements, heat, cold) — but without evaluation, just fixing it. If you find yourself starting to think about things or concerns, immediately concentrate on your breathing.

• Visualization. Close your eyes and imagine some calm and peaceful place, for example, a forest, or a deserted beach. Try to" turn on " the sense of smell, touch, hearing: what do you hear? that feel?

* Reading mantras. As the mantra can act as a actually real mantra or any word that makes sense to you or calms you. Repetition of the same word or combination of sounds causes a certain state of relaxation in the body.

Your inner Self

In today's world, when we are constantly on the Internet, connected, disconnected, busy and the like — it is very difficult to keep in touch with your deep inner Self.Try to find time (ideally every day) to remember and comprehend (and if necessary rethink) who you are and why you are here. Awareness of the truly important things allows you to not overreact to different things and troubles of life.

* Think about your goals, values, and beliefs. What brings you joy? Hope? Comfort? What are you constantly worried about? What do you want to worry about? What can you do in this world?

* Keep a diary-it helps to Express your dreams, hopes and feelings. If you are afraid that it can fall into someone's hands-keep it on your computer using a unique password.

* Read inspiring books-stories about a different philosophy and discoveries that can enrich your inner world.

* Be open to new beginnings, whatever it may be: nature, art, music, anything that seems attractive to you.

* Find in yourself and in other people a positive and a piece of something "sacred". Of course, it is clear that bad things and character traits — full. But you try on the bad specifically not to concentrate.