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Love your disease.


Love your disease, if you want to get rid of the disease forever ... When I heard this phrase for the first time, it puzzled me. Perhaps you have now thought that this is some kind of absurdity.

Love the disease!

How can you love what prevents you from living quietly, sleeping, working? How can I love the disease?

But hey, wait a minute, soon you will understand everything.

In this article, we will talk about diseases and the ability of a person to be healed by the power of thinking.

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The topic of health is one of the most relevant. You see, if you are sick, then all your thoughts are focused primarily on how to recover.

And of course, each of us wants to live in health and get sick as little as possible or not get sick at all.

Valery Sinelnikov has his own secret of getting rid of diseases.

Sinelnikov’s secret is simple and contained in one phrase: love the disease that has come to you!

Is it strange for you to hear this? Instead of advising you to fight the disease, as most do, I suggest you love it!

However, hundreds of thousands of people around the world were convinced that the Sinelnikov method works. That is why I could not ignore his most popular book, “Love your disease.”

Today I will tell you why you need to love and accept your ailment, tell you about the possibilities of healing various diseases with the help of the power of thought. I will share with you the fantastic, incredible method of Valery Sinelnikov, as well as reveal all the secrets of his book.

Believe me, you can influence the state of your health. And after reading my article, you will have tools for self-healing miracle healing.

A few words about Sinelnikov for those who are unfamiliar with him.

Valery Sinelnikov disease
Who is Valery Sinelnikov?
Before introducing you to the method of Valery Sinelnikov, which literally reads: Love the disease, I would like to introduce you to Valery Sinelnikov himself.

So, Sinelnikov Valery Vladimirovich is a general practitioner, psychotherapist and homeopath,

And also, Valery Sinelnikov is the author of incredible medical discoveries in psychology.

He founded the Charity Fund “School of Health and Joy”, is the author of unique books that are popular both in Russia and abroad.

The most famous works of Valery Sinelnikov:

“Love your sickness,”
“The power of intent”
“Vaccination against stress or psychoenergetic Aikido.”
I do not cease to be inspired by the work of Valery Sinelnikov, and with special admiration, I want to share with you his miracle method from his book “Love your disease” in this article.

Read on, ahead of all the fun of healing!

What is a disease?
A healthy organism is an organism in which there is harmony or dynamic equilibrium. Of course, it is not so simple to maintain harmony in modern living conditions. But if it is broken, then it can be restored, especially since the body itself is constantly striving for this. A disease is a signal of imbalance.

A disease is the first bell from our subconscious, which speaks of disharmony, of a loss of balance.

Do not immediately panic. Equilibrium can always be returned. And you can do this completely not the way we are used to.

Remember how we usually act if we get sick. That's right, we resort to certain external actions:

We make an appointment with the doctor and begin treatment with medicines,
We switch to proper nutrition,
We observe the daily routine, relax more and get enough sleep,
We spend more time outdoors
We begin to pay more attention to ourselves, play sports, increase activity.

These actions help us overcome the disease and stabilize the body. There comes relief and recovery.

However, sometimes this is a temporary result. Time passes and the disease returns. Relapse occurs or another ailment comes.

In other words, the struggle for health does not stop. Again and again we are trying to tear ourselves out of the clutches of the disease.

Why is this happening?

The fact is that by external, physical actions we do not eliminate the very cause of the disease, we do not restore harmony. Therefore, the problem that the subconscious tried to tell us about is not resolved. The task failed.

And the subconscious mind returns us the disease in order to signal again and again about disturbed balance. To show that we are acting incorrectly. Or in order to restore balance or close some secondary benefits (yes, sometimes it’s beneficial for us to hurt, paradoxically it sounds).

What needs to be done?

It is high time to understand that the causes of disease and suffering are not outside, but inside us. The reasons are hidden in our sick worldview. In order to be cured, you need to change your worldview.

Continued further in the next article ...