Have you ever thought at all about this concept of what love is? Love is a tremulous feeling that you have for the world around you. Today we will talk about love between a man and a woman. Sometimes I hear people say that they did not know such a feeling, they cannot determine its “symptomatology”. Let's figure it out once and for all.
Love is often confused with love, passion, especially at the stage of the candy-bouquet period. When these stages are completed, only then can you understand that you really love this person. I have identified several basic “symptoms”, in my opinion, characteristic of girls.
Symptoms of a woman's love
- Desire to be together more often
- “Greed” for spending time together
- You don't care about others
- Affection for a partner
- You get better next to him
- You are not annoyed by his habits
- Are you ready to build a shared future in the “mind”
And if now your attitude towards your partner does not quite correspond to these “postulates of love”, this does not mean that there is no love. She is, but often our character or behavior habits kill this love. And here the universal concept is gaining momentum: "this is not love already, but a habit." So, in order to feel love daily, and not be a part of a habit, you need to work. After all, you need to always work on relationships, even when you are married. We are all not perfect, we change when changes enter our lives, or rather when new people: spouses, children. Moreover, we are changing at the level of biochemistry, without realizing it ourselves.
For me, there is an affirmation of the rules with which I want to share with you, and following these rules will make your family harmonious, filled with joy, and, of course, preserve love. These are the rules:
Rapprochement - internal, spiritual, when you share the secret with your loved one, you think the same way, understand each other without words
To give in - the ability to give in will always smooth out the angles in the dispute and help to avoid conflict
Accept - accepting a person completely as he is
Listen - as it turned out, not everyone knows how to listen and hear, and this is the main thing in the dialogue
Respect - respect for each other - an example for our children
Forgiveness - the ability to forgive insults will not force you to return to the same thoughts in another quarrel.
Maybe you want to ask, where's the patience? He is so loved to wish for feasts. Let's argue, patience is tolerance. Does anyone really need to endure anyone? How can a person live harmoniously, if at the same time he has to endure someone’s whole life? One woman was somehow wished for patience at her birthday, to which she replied: “No, this is the most wrong wish, I want my patience to burst!” If there is mutual observance of the rules, then you will not have to endure, everything will be very harmonious and correct.
We all make mistakes, stupid things. Indiscrimination in people can lead to a sick relationship, and as a result - bitterness. If the observance of the rules is mutual, then you are doomed to harmony, joy and a happy life together! And do not forget about intuition, it will lead you to the right place, at the right time and direct you in the right direction.
I wish you, my dears, to love and be loved - it is so great when love is mutual!