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The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.
And it’s interesting for parents to find out how the child manages to enlightenment: drags his school escalator to the heights of knowledge or a child stumbles somewhere below. Or it’s terribly curious how things are with arithmetic, and the younger one answers: “Some examples solved, I don’t know why.” That is, the child goes to school without any sense of his progress, just sits in the classroom and waits for this trouble to end.
Due to the flow of homework, final control and tests, it seems to us that we generally catch the direction in which the children are floating. We mark important milestones. Especially if these lines are accompanied by an explanation of the teacher: "Repeat fractions at home, in the classroom - fool around." But do we really know how a child learns and develops? Does he himself understand why he performs the same exercises, arranging hissing vowels in quadratic equations?
Standardized tests show the child's performance in comparison with state standards or even compared with other children. But how to understand - learned or slipped? Understood or bogged down? And the main question of the universe: how to learn more consciously, and therefore more efficiently.
In pedagogy and education it is now customary to talk about awareness - the ability to understand what you are doing and why you need it
In general terms, teachers, of course, explain such trifles: “Today, on technology, everyone will cut a leg off a chair. This is useful to you ... uh ... In any case, you will understand that we cannot assemble a chair of 28 legs. "
On the one hand, it is important for a child to comprehend progress in studies so that he does not have the feeling that he is traveling in a common carriage, no one knows where. On the other hand, it would also be useful for parents to be in the know. And then at the end of grade 10 it may suddenly turn out that your school was not with in-depth French, but not very good Russian (and these diary entries did not mean “Opening day”, but “Bring it back, Sasha, coins!”).
It’s even more important to show this somehow to those who have chosen alternative education (there are often no grades there at all) or to children in family education. Focusing on the basic questions that you see in the test once or twice a year is definitely not a good idea. So what to do?
1. Set clear goals for your child (learn the periodic table or all the oceans and continents)
In a mass school, for the “middle school student” the goal - to go to the 5th grade and wear the proud title of “a high school student in high school 5th and so” seemed good. Because the alternative to staying in the second year and becoming a walking shame did not inspire anyone. Today, mass numbers have decreased. The same fifth grader can study in a harsh boarding school, where he is fed with Latin and higher mathematics, the other can sit out rare lessons in a courtyard school, where the class teacher changes every three months.
A class as a stepping stone to a bright future does not work as an indicator. However, as are the estimates. Some children after six months in an English-speaking country return to school and immediately grab a deuce in English "for registration". Others know how to nod diligently and walk with the four on a subject about which they have no idea.
A clear educational goal can be, firstly, achieved by your efforts, and secondly, measured objectively (bypassing the sympathies of the teacher). Design and behavior - in one direction, academic achievement - in the other. For example, to learn the periodic table, to get a hand on the multiplication and division of fractions, to remember the natural zones of the Earth and so on.
If a person piles over a book, it will be easier for him if he represents the real goal: not to get someone's mark, but to be able to quote poets of the revolutionary era in 10 different cases of life. It is important to fix and discuss these goals on the educational route of the child. Maybe the game is not worth the candle at all. It’s better to go cycling. In some schools, tutors take on conversations about goals and methods of achievement. If your school does not have anyone with that name, it’s worth writing a couple of educational goals with your child on paper in the near future.
2. Explain to the child at what stage he is now (knows Mendeleev, but also confuses potassium and calcium)
It’s hard to intrigue the children with an explanation of how all this will come in handy in a few years, when the problems in physics are about atoms, and this will give them sharpness. No one will believe this!
The place of a paragraph in the overall picture could always be traced by opening the table of contents of the textbook: “Yeah, we started with the cellular structure of the leaf, which means we will reach the pistils and stamens in a month!” But today, education is more often broadcast via mobile screens, weird comics and even science shows at children's parties. Why not, but much remains unclear: this explosion, which the child is trying to repeat for the second week at home, what are its consequences for science?
Even better than in the table of contents of Soviet textbooks, the knowledge system is shown in computer games: first, mining ore, then building a forge, and only then do you have iron armor. In the same way, parents can sometimes reveal the whole picture: “Yes, phonetics is a sad thing. But after the sounds there is a chance to move on to words, and from there to sentences and even texts. ”
3. Draw on paper the entire learning process: goals, achievements and successes of the child
The modern world is turned on visual culture, seeks to pack everything into a beautiful picture. Educational tasks may look more interesting than any cartoons. Once dad grabbed a marker and draws a mental map of the future skills of a son or daughter, then everything is not in vain. On the paper board, goals are marked, arrows are drawn, and you can immediately see how the task about inclined surfaces can help in the manufacture of the Goldberg machine, about which the child dreams.
You can still draw the path traveled: here he still did not know the multiplication table, but at this point in the graph he already could. Gamer elements with achievements, level growth and achievement schedules will interest the younger much more than the prospect of pleaseing the unloved teacher with a report.
Hard work with copybooks, cramming, solving equations can be accompanied by infographics or printed pictures with the adventures of the hero. You solve 10 problems - you cross a bridge of 10 boards, painting one at a time. You break through a wall of bricks, painting one at a time.
You climb a wall of 10 ledges, and at the top you are waiting for a monster - the boss - the test. It can also be drawn, and then pierced with the correct answers
He decided - he won, after which a new medal “Lord of isosceles triangles” is glued to the front portrait of the hero, and everyone goes to celebrate. Such things help children to see the process with a beginning and an end and relieve the feeling that irregular verbs are given for life as a punishment for sins. There is a specific task, there are certain steps. Yes, they require tension, but each small example gives a chance to rise a little closer to victory: “Here I have a half-brick painted over!”
4. Give the child feedback (“Hooray, 72% of the correct answers!”)
That is, just to say how close the student is to the result. “Look, you have five mistakes in the word“ cow ”! But last time it was six! Let's mark you on the success scale! ”Many parents, having read about the dangers of evaluations and external motivation, are afraid to say too much and just look at their notebooks with a sad face. To say that everything is terrible is demotivation, there is no need to say “Well done, funny handwriting”.
If it’s difficult to evaluate, enter different parameters, at least one should be comforting: the correctness of the decision, accuracy, the ability to paint insects in the fields ... And the scale is not from two to five, but in percent. For example: “You tried really hard today - 66% of the correct answers! Let's look for where the mistake is. ” And even if there were only three examples, 66% sounds solid.
It is wrong if in the process of study there is a sense of the meaninglessness of one's efforts or their insignificance. And, it seems, only we can help the child to experience other, more joyful feelings from work.
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