How to fulfill a desire, the most important desire that does not allow you to sleep or eat?
Today I want to talk with you about cherished dreams.
It became very interesting to me what desires people of different ages, from different cities, different social and financial spheres have now.
Are you interested?
I asked this question to my students and subscribers. I wanted them to share what they dream about.
In this regard, I have a few questions for you:
Do you have a cherished dream?
Is there a plan for its implementation?
What have you done to bring your dream closer?
Share the answers to these questions in the comments at the end of this article. Let's see who has what desires now.
But for now, let's find out what many others dream of and which of them have already managed to fulfill their most important desires.
And also in this article I will share with you the secret of how they succeeded and how exactly you fulfill your cherished desire.
I am starting the first. Here you can find out how my students manage to fulfill their desires in just 30 days >>>
how to fulfill a wish
Do you have cherished dreams?
To find answers to the question: what are your desires and how to fulfill them, I asked a question about the dream in social networks. A ton of answers rained down on me. This, of course, makes me happy. It is great that people do not sit still, but want to change their lives for the better.
And many have already taken the first step - they consciously chose their cherished dream.
The coolest thing is that one of these people will fulfill their dream this year. And someone, unfortunately, has been working with his desires for a long time, but nothing happens, dreams simply do not come true.
Why some dreams don't come true
For more than 15 years I have been dealing with the topic of working with the subconscious. I have come a long way in fulfilling my own desires.
I read an infinite number of books, watched hundreds of workshops and documentaries on how to fulfill a desire. I have tried many techniques, practices, meditations.
And over the years of my practice, I discovered the reasons why desires are not fulfilled.
Negative thoughts and emotions.
No desire can be fulfilled while you are filled with negative thoughts, attitudes, blocks, or even just emotions.
And worst of all, if these thoughts do not lie on the surface. It is important and necessary to work with yourself in order to discover and eradicate all this.
Fuzzy target
Many people do not know exactly what they want. You know, even the dream: “I want to be rich” can be fulfilled for a very long time, or not be realized at all, because the goal is not clearly indicated. How much do you want to earn, how much money do you have in your bank account? And how and what do you want to spend your money on?
For clarity of purpose, such questions must be answered.
Lack of system
Unfortunately, it’s not enough to make a wish map only once, to visualize all once. Oh, if everything worked so simply! It is necessary to build a plan of work with your thoughts in order to begin to change your life for the better.
Only with regular work do desires begin to come true with ease.
As soon as I discovered all these reasons, due to which my wishes were not fulfilled, I eradicated them forever.
I developed a whole system, how to never again make these mistakes and always, in 100% of cases, fulfill my desires.
As soon as I made this change was not long in coming.
The power of thought and fulfillment of desires
The first wish came true was an expensive phone. You may have already heard this story.
If not, read this story in an article: iPhone fell from the sky! My new money technique and its first results
Then a new, spacious, comfortable apartment, which I bought myself.
With the help of the power of thought, I realized more and more wildest dreams:
Own business. I am a free entrepreneur with an income of more than a million rubles a month. At the same time, the work brings me incredible pleasure. This is exactly the case when you always want to do something, even when you go on vacation.
Love. I met a terrific man with whom I am in an ideal relationship.
Recreation. I have a vacation more than once a year. Every month I fly to rest in different countries, which I have already lost.
Self-realization. I share my knowledge with others and see cool students every day.
Self-esteem. My self-esteem has increased many times. I am confident in myself and my future.
And all this without rich parents, without luck, without any “useful” acquaintances. No psychological trainings, no life coaches have changed me and put me on the path of a life change.
I did it myself. In the home. And, if you really be frank and honest with you - I made it the power of my thoughts.
How to fulfill a wish? Need a system
Of course, all these changes did not happen to me in an instant. But this happened in just a few years.
Continued in the next article!