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Dreams come true, and here is the proof of this


You know, dreams come true, and that's why ...

Do you want to board a plane and fly far from home?

Do you dream about traveling to different countries and continents?

Do you want to have a prestigious job that brings pleasure and a lot of money?

You want to marry well, have a baby ...

Or is your main goal today - harmony and beauty?

Important! I was convinced on my own life - dreams come true! Moreover, even if at first glance they seem completely fantastic and impossible. But this is far from the case.

And now, my dear reader, I will tell you how to make your dreams come true in your life plans)))

Dreams Come True! And I know this for sure, since so many of my desires have already become a reality. This is my entire blog.

And with this article, I want to inspire you to fulfill your most cherished desires! I’ll tell you the most exciting stories and share techniques for selling dreams

What are you dreaming about?

I am sure that most of those who are reading this article do not know exactly what they really want.

No, we all, of course, know that we want to become rich, strong, healthy, beautiful, have a successful business or an excellent workplace, travel and enjoy many other things.

But often this is all very abstract ....

If you don’t put anything specific in front of your CONCONSCIOUS, then you don’t put anything. Yes, yes ... And sorting out your dreams is an important first step towards fulfilling them.

By the way, as I understand my Wishlist, read the article: “What are you dreaming about, sir?” Or how to understand what I want. And after that, dreams come true!

Are these your dreams?

I always advise to start with, sort out your desires.

Work with each of them, understand:

why is it needed

is it really necessary for your happiness?

Or maybe your craving, which you have nurtured for so long, wasting your time and energy to fulfill it, is not yours at all? You ask "how can this be?" But in fact, this is very common.

Test your desire with a question to the subconscious, using the method from this article of mine: 8 ways to hear and understand your true desires.

For example, a good friend of mine always wanted to have many dresses and shoes in her closet.

And when working with this dream I imagined a huge dressing room, in which there are a lot of things from fashion designers, shoes of famous brands of all colors of the rainbow. But for some reason the dream did not come true. No, she had a large dressing room (after all, dreams really come true), she bought herself new dresses, but it did not bring pleasure.

Talking to me, she somehow lamented that dreams do not come true and all these techniques are nonsense ...

But when we began to analyze her desire, it turned out that behind the dream of having a lot of things in the closet, a completely different thing was hidden - the need for communication, admiring glances, and a fun pastime.

My friend met a man who later became her husband. Today they travel a lot, she does not lack new acquaintances, communication and attention.

How to market dreams?

Dream: dreams come true and you can’t argue with that!

But for the desire to become reality, you need to work with it correctly. I always recommend doing it like this:

No. 1 tip for planning your dream sales:

When you make a wish, don’t think that you don’t know how it can be fulfilled. Do not slow down the Universe on the way to its execution.

Try to avoid fears, insecurities, thoughts that something will not work or is impossible.

And, of course, shape your dream without any “no” and “no”. No desire to remove something, get rid, etc. And with the desire to create something beautiful.

At this time, do not think of ways to fulfill the desire. Do not worry about the money that is currently not enough for him.

No. 2 tip for incorporating your dreams into your destiny:

Think over the details.

You can write a letter to yourself (yourself)!

One of my students shared the amazing result of this technique.

She grew up in a poor family and in childhood dreamed of having a computer. But even to believe that money could be found for him in a house where bread was not always enough was difficult. And then the little girl began to write letters - it happened to her purely intuitively.

She wrote that she has a computer, described how she plays on it, draws what pages on the Internet she visits, how he helps her to study at school. Surprisingly, the dream came true six months later. On her birthday, the godmothers decided to give her a computer. Dreams Come True!

No. 3 tip for incorporating your dreams into your destiny:

If you want something specific, such as a dishwasher or a bicycle, decide which model you want to purchase. To do this, read reviews about the desired device, go shopping.

Behave as if you are already choosing the right thing.

For better visualization, I often create a wish map. Pictures that I put on it program my subconscious mind and help my wish come true.

By the way, I immediately invite you to my next open online meeting with subscribers, come to a free workshop on selling dreams >>>

Be careful! Dreams come true or come true almost always, however impossible they may seem at first glance. But the universe does not pick up ways of fulfilling desires convenient for you.

And here it all depends on your thoughts. If you want to get something at any cost, then with time you will be surprised to understand that your dreams come true, but they cost you too much.

For example, one of my students told me that she dreamed of having her own apartment, in which there was a lot of sun and bright yellow curtains. This is exactly the image she visualized for herself.

A year later, her wish came true. After all, dreams come true!

Her father died, and left her a two-room apartment as a legacy. When she came to her father and entered the house, she was surprised: bright sunlight shone through the window, and the curtains in the room were new bright yellow.

Continued in next article...