After talking with some people, I have a pronounced complex of usefulness.
Each person, I think, sometimes would like to bury his head in the sand, like an ostrich and pretend that he does not need anyone. Well, or, to go somewhere far away and to retire in order not to hear anyone and not to see. But, you must admit, such a march will not last long, because we need society.
When you have to be silent, due to circumstances, for example, moving to another city or another country becomes very lonely. I am not talking now about 1% of the population who, in principle, do not communicate with anyone, they have such a nature. Why is this happening? All life on Earth is energy, and you and I are no exception, and when we communicate directly, we exchange energy. If you do not pump energy, staying in “your world”, depression and other disorders can occur.
Communicating with other people, we interact not only at the chemical level, but also at the interpersonal. Conclusions are drawn from communication, new information is learned, answers to questions are found. For some people, communication is so important, they themselves may not know. The fact is that by asking the tormenting question to other members of society you get an answer not from them, but from yourself. Those. in communication with others, you can get an answer to your question from yourself, listening to yourself in the process of discussion. It is like an illumination that comes at the moment of conversation.
Society is help, in any form. Even in an unfamiliar city or country, people around you will help. The main thing is not afraid to ask for help and not think that all people are evil. If you think so, it is precisely such people who will surround you - this is the law of attraction and it always works and does not doze off, and waits for you to put something kind of bad in your head.
If you are not in the flow of interaction, it will be very difficult to achieve heights or it is unrealistic, you know the saying “one is not a warrior in the field”? Even single people in life did not achieve everything on their own, but only through interaction with society, the ability to negotiate, the ability to find the right people and eventually find themselves in the right place at the right time.
Communication is the highest form of interaction between people that would be boring without tools:
- Manifestation of emotions - In a theater, a regular text turns into an emotional game of actors that makes you cry or laugh, and may experience other emotions - admiration;
- Impact - The pleasant speech of a man always affects a woman, it’s not for nothing that they say “Women love with their ears”.
We are not robots, but living people who simply need interaction.
Communicating with children helps us “fall into childhood” and forget about problems for a while, while children are even more interested in playing with “young” adults. Thus, we help ourselves and our children.
Communication with colleagues will diversify your “groundhog day” in the work field, add bright colors on holidays, especially on your birthday!
Communicating with loved ones will help you psychologically unload, distract and get support from them, as well as share secrets.
Communication with friends - no one canceled a loud laugh in the company of friends or a loud cry in the company of girlfriends, which corresponds to 10 sessions of psychotherapy. Do not neglect friends, good comrades, because the older we get, the more difficult it is to find real friends.
Communicate, because communication is a remedy for many diseases, the cause of which is psychological! If you still did not know about it, then it's time to think and analyze today. I love everyone, be healthy!