There are only two ways to live life. The first is that miracles do not exist. The second is like miracles all around.
Today I will share with you the experience that led me to notice and respond to these miracles.
In order to get what you want, you need to inform out loud about your desire or call it “want”. But it should be just a desire, do not dwell on it and do not wait. If you start to wait, there will be no miracle. That's why it is a miracle that happens exactly when you are not waiting for it. And it so charges with positive emotions that are impossible to convey.
The other day I really wanted sushi, the whole family loves them. And I informed my spouse that I would like to go to a sushi restaurant. And I did not intend to introduce them for a few seconds, what they are tasty, fragrant and warm, and I forgot about them, because we are not local and have not yet become comfortable and I did not know where in the city you can eat sushi. In a day I receive an invitation from my girlfriend to go to the best sushi bar, in honor of my daughter's birthday. It was so spontaneous, unexpected and pleasant! This bar is located near our house, which could not but rejoice. In addition to the pleasure of sushi, we also received a bonus - it was necessary to install the restaurant application and get “Philadelphia” rolls as a gift! By the next visit to this cafe, I already have a portion of free, delicious rolls!
In one of my articles about the experience of working with a freelancer, I added that the right interaction led to a bonus - I got more than I expected. There are a lot of such examples.
My experience with the dentist, for example. I needed to remove the wisdom tooth, I phoned the clinics, but not one of them responded to me. I decided to wait "for my dentist." After a month of throwing and doubts at the cottage, we met a married couple and they talked about a miracle doctor, guess who they were talking about? About the dentist. Of course, I turned to him. I did not regret for a second that I had chosen his name. I won’t tell the details, but I also received a bonus - free treatment of one tooth.
I recently learned a new science, it is called Human Design. About how I found out about her, also a whole story. I asked the question aloud: “How can I know myself?” Neither astrology, nor other esoterics are interesting to me. I received a response in the form of a message from a person from whom I did not expect at all. In the following articles I will describe in more detail about Human Design and everything that happened to learn about myself, to receive answers to questions. My acquaintance with the analyst was also not casual. I watched the videos, but one girl responded to me. I looked at her site, drew attention to the fact that all the questions asked to her on the site did not go unanswered. This convinced me that she was open to communication. Our interaction was very successful, we were on the same wavelength, and as always, I received an unexpected bonus from her in the form of a discount. And I took advantage of the “miracle” provided to me. Prior to that, I informed out loud that I needed a competent analyst who would do the reading at half price. Competent analysts are very expensive. Among other things, she answered all my questions and suggested why this is happening anyway. I am very grateful to her. In general, I am always grateful to everyone and everyone who provides me with help and assistance.
I needed to buy a regular flash drive for files. But I was waiting for “mine”, I needed a discount. The other day I buy plasticine in a stationery for a child and the seller says to me: “We now have 50% discount on flash drives”, and of course I bought it!
All the moments in which I received unexpected amenities delighted me, real, sincere. It is valuable to me that such miracles happen to me.
The most important thing is not to miss the moment, but to use it!
It is very important to understand that this does not apply to money, since money is not a goal, but a means to an end, therefore the desire for money is not in itself correct. With money, a completely different approach, we’ll talk about this another time.
The way to achieve the desired:
- To want
- Inform
- Do not wait, forget, so as not to turn into Zhduna
- Take advantage
- Thank