There are no unanswered questions, there are people who do not hear the answers ...
Often thoughts spin in our head, or rather, up to 100,000 thoughts a day, and one of them has settled so firmly in our subconscious mind and is not at rest - let's call it “mental chewing gum”. And this chewing gum can torment you all the time, while you are puzzled by the solution to some problem or some issue that is important to you. You go to bed, and it pops up and does not allow you to relax calmly, you eat, and she, this mental chewing gum, continues to twist her mental cinema, not letting you enjoy food quietly, you go to a meeting or walk, but in such a stress, sometimes you don’t notice it, but it is. Later, this tension will still make itself felt in the form of pain in the neck or head.
You can apply various techniques of “garbage collection”, “clean slate”, but this will not save from chewing gum. Until your problem is resolved, it will not leave your brain alone. I can only advise that in order to ease this pressure you just need to lie down and relax, it will be difficult, your eyes can twitch (you are tense and your brain is thinking about a problem), the brain will resist, but you just need to keep lying closed eyes and completely relax, it is necessary to open your mouth, then the tension will be relieved from the head, all muscles will be relaxed. You can turn off or fall asleep, or doze off - this is just what we need.
So, what am I leading all this to. The question that arose in your head will torment you until you get an answer to it, or rather until you hear this answer. You can be skeptical and say that this is all nonsense, no one binds anyone or imposes anything on anyone. But if you are here, then you can feel every answer. You can get it from the Internet, from friends, from completely strangers to you - and it will be unexpected, but very nice!
It’s important to understand that you don’t have to rush to get an answer to the question right now, this very second, give your question time to give you an answer. Haste can lead to incorrect interactions. They asked the question out loud and forgot.
Maybe you need to somehow ask the right question?
There is no specific wording for the question, it arises randomly in your thoughts and you just start tracking everything that happens to you, being in the moment “here and now”.
I’ll tell you by example how it was. I had a question in my head: How can I know myself? - I needed this and is important. I asked my girlfriend a question, she could not answer this question. After meeting with a girlfriend, I came home and saw a link on Skype, one friend sent me a video. And in this video was the very answer to my question! And it was so amazing and pleasant that with words I can’t convey.
The most important thing from this - I sincerely wanted and intended to get an answer to this question, I had a real desire, I really needed it and was important. Most likely, this sincere desire led to such a quick response.
Do not forget to thank the Lord, for all the answers you receive, sincerely, from the bottom of your heart. Gratitude itself will be sincere only if the answer is very necessary and important to you. Like an interaction.
- Sincere desire to get an answer, you really need it and it is important;
- The question must be asked from the bottom of the soul aloud, you want to know the answer with your whole body and soul;
- Take your time, forget;
- To notice and observe what you see and hear, to feel the response;
- Thanks for the response received.
Ask questions and enjoy receiving answers to them, but do not forget about the important:
Do not ask a question if you do not know what you will do with the answer ...