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Peculiarities of horse care in winter


Winter is the perfect time for horseback riding. Fresh frosty air, absence of pesky insects - all this is very useful. Such walks are very useful not only for your health but also to strengthen the immunity of your pet.

However, at this time you need to take into account some of the nuances of animal care and riding itself. This is what this article is about.

It is best for a horse in winter if the thickness of the snow cover will be a few centimeters, and under it, there will be no ice crust.

Snow puts additional strain on the animal's muscular and cardiovascular system, training both.

And even a gallop is not necessary for good training. Lynx on the snow - quite enough.Winter riding should take place on the familiar, studied in the warm season, surface.

Features of winter care

At this time of year, it is especially important to monitor the condition of the coat.Use a soft brush for daily care. This makes it possible not only to remove dirt and dust particles but also to positively affect your pet's circulation.

Periodically, more thorough cleaning is also needed. To do this, you should first clean your horse with a scraper and then walk along the coat with a damp brush. Remember to wipe your pet dry with a towel or a piece of a clean, dry cloth after the procedure has been completed, and many people mistakenly believe that careful care can be neglected when using the blankets in winter. This is a dangerous misconception, as dirt and dust particles accumulate well under the patch.

Therefore, before each departure and after it, it is necessary to walk on a skin with a brush. In addition, during cleaning, abrasions and other damage that need to be treated in a timely manner become visible.

If the weather in your area is not conducive to horseback riding in the fresh air, daily care is an extra opportunity to be with your pet. A horse is an animal with a very sensitive nervous system and she will appreciate your attention.

The constant tightness of a Denny can make a horse irritable and evil. The more she is outdoors, the better her emotional and physical condition will be.

Winter moping


In winter, the behavior of these animals usually changes. Any horse can mope in winter. The tightness of the stall leads to the fact that he starts to entertain himself. This often leads to bad habits.

The animal chews on the wooden parts of the Bennick, hits with its hooves on everything it can reach, starts to swing from side to side. Harmful habits are common and airy bites.

The first one is characterized by the fact that the horse grabbing the door of the stall, column or partition with his teeth, then straining his neck muscles, sucking in his larynx and swallowing air. With an air bite, the horse swallows air and "grunts" without any teeth.These vicious habits often lead to tooth wear and tear or colic caused by increased gassing. To avoid horse moping, try to walk more with the animal. If you don't have such an opportunity, take it for something - toys, personal communication, music, hay and so on.

Winter problems

In winter, people get sick a lot. Although horses have almost no cold, they also have their own fever-related pains. Remember that good animal care should be provided all year round, and then most winter problems can be avoided.

Winter injuries

Injury risk this time of year is elevated. Slippery ground, reduced physical activity, low ambient temperature - all this weakens the bones and muscles of the animal. Hard wall and ice can also damage a horse's legs if it is not properly "shoed".

In winter, studded horseshoe shoes are usually used to improve grip, although some riders do without any horseshoeshoeshoes at all, believing that this is the way a horse stands on the surface in winter.

Snow is often clogged in the hooves, so it is advisable to lubricate the horse's soles with Vaseline. It is important to make sure that the animal is moving on the flat, familiar ground.

Arthritis sufferers are most at risk of injury in winter. To minimize this risk, try to walk your pet outdoors more often. The more a horse moves, the stronger its muscles and skeleton and the more stable its immune system is.

Respiratory illnesses

Symptoms range from mild pulmonary rales to severe coughing. In some cases, nasal discharge may occur.

In winter, some animals are exposed to COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

Prevention - good ventilation, high-quality feed, cleanliness and dryness in the stables, and clean sheets of cut paper. If the animal does get sick, a qualified veterinarian will prescribe treatment.