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How to make a saddle for a horse?


Horse saddle is the most important element necessary for comfortable riding. As it requires a lot of manual work and a high level of craftsmanship, this is the most expensive item of ammunition. In ancient times riders used it as a usual blanket, which was attached to the animal with the help of belts. Over time, the design has become more and more complicated for the sake of human comfort

What does a modern saddle look like?

There are many types of saddles. This is due to the fact that riding horses are used differently. The design of this important element of riding ammunition and its correct fitting directly affect the rider's landing and, consequently, the movements of the animal.

The basis of any saddle is a solid frame (horses call it a rider's rider).

It is usually made of wood, sometimes of metal. In the past, only birch trees were used, but nowadays plastic and glued wood-based panels are used to make lint. It is the shape of the ribbon band that determines how the finished saddle will look, which is given its final look and shape by using wool or synthetic materials. At the final stage, the saddle is covered with high-quality leather, which significantly increases its price.

The saddle is universal

As the name suggests, the most common type It can be used for any kind of riding - from ordinary leisurely walks to sports competitions and horseback riding. Such saddles are often cheaper due to the use of inexpensive synthetic materials in their manufacture, which makes them more affordable

Sports saddles

The main types of sedimentation are racing, dressage, competitive and triathlon.


This type of ammunition is a demo element. This saddle was designed with the sole purpose of making a woman on a horse look as elegant and beautiful as possible.


The same applies to the group of demonstration accessories, as it is practically not used for its intended purpose.

Working and combat

This group includes the following types of saddles:

  • hiking;
  • The shepherd is Australian;
  • Cavalry;
  • Cowboy;
  • Military;
  • ceremonial.

How to make a saddle for a horse with your own hands

It's a very painstaking case that requires certain skills and abilities. At manufacturing, the sphere of the future application and dimensions of an animal are considered. It is very difficult for a beginner to make a saddle from scratch, so it is better to buy it.


Well, if you still want to try your hand at this difficult craft - give some useful advice.


Lenchik, the beginning of any saddle. Previously it was made of wood, now it is often cast of plastic. It is best to pick up a ready-made, made by a master in the factory conditions. If there is no such opportunity - you will have to try to make a ribbon yourself.

We cut out the obtained contours and put them to the horse's back. This is necessary to check the correctness of the size and shape. Everything is the same - let's move on.

We take the necessary measurements: the highest point of the withers, the place under the front bow, the point where the back bow ends, the dorsal bend.

Nowadays the tapes are made mainly of wood or glued plywood, from which the general shape is cut out with special tools. Since it has a lot of curves, you will also need sandpaper and a jigsaw.

The finished ribbon is put on the back again and the final fitting is done.

Interior upholstery

Take the foam rubber, fold it in several layers and cut it out in the form of a ribbon. The edges of the upholstery should protrude slightly.

After that, plywood is attached to the ribbon and foam upholstery is attached to it. Nail the nails so that they reach the ribbon band.

After that, the plywood form is attached to the ribbon and the foam upholstery is attached to it. Nails are nailed down so that they reach the lintel itself.

Outer upholstery

All we have to do is make an external coating. This is usually done either with leather or with a leather substitute.

Skin is difficult to work with. It needs to be steamed up first, and only then adjusted to the shape and size of the leather and tightened. If you don't have any experience with leather, you can use another strong material - a dense rough cloth or a woolen mat. However, such upholstery will require frequent replacement, as it will be quickly washed.

We cover the ribbon with the chosen material and the saddle is ready.


The last step is the fastening of girdles and wall walks. Stems themselves, as well as rings for girlfriends and buckles, are easiest to buy in a specialized shop. Belts are inexpensive, so we advise you to buy them too, not sew them yourself.