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Logical errors of thinking. Part 1

Logical errors of thought are unsubstantiated judgments that are often uttered with such conviction that they begin to sound like proven facts. Some mistakes are popularized by the media and can begin to live their own, special lives and become part of the national credo. In other literature, they are called "irrational judgments", that is, without rational evidence, but very saturated with faith.

The best way to get rid of these" linguistic blinders " is as follows: to refute any spoken or heard misconception until there is satiety from their stupidity.


Sensitivity-the Simple, innocent emotions that everyone has turn into terrifying, all-encompassing, psychiatric extremes.

* I should be depressed because I'm sad after my vacation.

Nervous is dangerous.

Over-sharing-Individual examples belonging to a category are considered to represent the whole category.

I'm worse than Mike because he always beats me at badminton.

* He who cannot write without mistakes is a fool.

Personalization-Random events are perceived as a personal threat.

* I broke my leg because God is punishing me for my past sins.

* Everything that happens to a person has its reasons.

* The car refused to move.

Thunder rumbled angrily.

Lady luck was against me.

Perpetuation is the Transformation of short-term phenomena into long-term ones.

I will always be afraid.

* I will never be happy.

Finding the culprit-Finding someone to blame when something goes wrong (others or yourself).

* The fact that our marriage did not last long, my husband (or I) is to blame.

• All abusers are bad parents.

Pathologizing-a Learned reaction is called a disease.

* The one who worries all the time is really sick.

• Aggressive — this is pathology.

Perfectionism-the Selection for themselves and others of the highest theoretically possible standards, even if no one is able to achieve them, and then use them as a common yardstick for determining the value of the individual.

* I shouldn't make mistakes at all.

* Abortion is either right or wrong.

• If it's a worthwhile endeavor, it's worth it to be done in the best way.

• In this world you are either a winner or a loser.

* Some have it and some don't.

* This pain in my leg means I have cancer.

• The husband is delayed, probably having an affair.

* If I don't get a "5" in this subject, I will never go to medical school.

* To be happy, I must become a great actress.

* To make a decision, I need to be sure.

Title claims Are claims to exclusive privileges that do not exist ("unrecognized Prince syndrome").

I don't have to put up with all the petty things I'm forced to do at work.

• It's not fair that I have to show my driver's license to cash a check.

• Why do I have to queue at the airport like everyone else?

Psychologizing-psychological reasons are sought for all events, and all others are ignored.

I hit the table because I was trying to hurt myself.

* The sore shoulder must have triggered my subconscious anxiety.

* You have forgotten my name because you are displacing it.

* You are single because you are afraid to get married.

You have not succeeded because you are afraid of it.

You failed because you wanted to fail.

•(judging by the fact that at this point in McMullin, so many examples, it must be his psychological complexes :))

Wasteful arguments — Preference for simple explanations over complex.

You don't like it when I criticize you because you had a love-hate relationship with your father, and all men are your father figure.

* You're just transferring your repressed childish cruelty to me.

People become mentally ill because they regress to more primitive stages of their psychosexual development.

The materialization of the abstract-the Assumption that a particular abstraction (eg, personality traits, IQ, schizophrenia) denotes a real, concrete entity.

He lacks courage.

He is essentially lazy.

* Justice, beauty and virtue are the primary forms of reality (Greek philosophers).

* She has less willpower than others.

My nerves are shot.

Homocentric error-the Assumption that the human race — God's favorites.

* God created this planet for people.

* The sun revolves around the Earth.

The egocentric error is the Conclusion that since you are the center of your own world, you are the center of all other worlds.

* Everyone should treat me kindly.

I have to get everything I want out of life.

* Peace must be just.

Subjective error is Believing that you are the cause of other people's behavior and emotions.

* I'm sorry for causing your depression.

* I make my husband miserable.

Slippery slope-the Assumption that what is true in one case, will be true in all subsequent.

* If we allow them to ban assault weapons, they will soon ban our rifles.

A priori thinking is the Derivation of facts from principles (deduction) instead of the derivation of principles from facts (induction).

* Women have fewer teeth than men because they have smaller jaws (Aristotle).

* Melting snow will not cause the rise of the Nile, as in the equator is too hot for snow (Plato).

When people are nice to you, they're trying to get something.

Exaggeration of power-Trying to solve all problems by levelling them like a bulldozer.

* When the path becomes difficult, the step becomes harder.

Alcoholism can be defeated by sheer force of will.

• All you need is a heart.

Possibilities equal to probabilities — If an event is possible, then it is likely.

• If something bad can happen, it is inevitable.

* I have to take care not to get sick from plants.

* It is dangerous to fly on airplanes.

Episodic evidence-the View that one uncontrolled case can serve as evidence of a broader pattern.

• I know one person who…

Argumentation attacks on opponent, not on his arguments — "criticism sources" or "anonymity on others' mistakes."

* To give me advice, you had to be there and do it.

• You can't understand what you're talking about because you don't have a College degree.

* To help an addict, you need to be an addict yourself.

An appeal to authorities is an Assertion of the truth of something only on the ground that an authoritative person says so.

* Freud said…

* Skinner said…

* Ellis says…

• Mac-Mullin says…

* Renowned College Professor ivy League believes that…

* Four out of five of our doctors claim…