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The technique of "Vaccination against stress»

This cognitive technique was developed by psychologist Donald Meichenbaum to help people learn to cope with stress. The technique can be used in moments when you want to get rid of anxiety or fear, that is, in a situation of stress. How it is useful:

helps to prepare for a stressful situation;

promotes the study of their beliefs that prevent adequately respond to stress;

encourages the development of new beliefs that help in difficult situations;

helps relieve stress or at least significantly ease stress management;

teaches to encourage themselves after successfully coped with the situation, which contributes to the development of stress resistance.

How to deal with stress successfully (stress vaccination therapy)

Learn about the physiological and psychological mechanisms of anxiety and fear. Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of stress, namely physical sensations in the body, such as: trembling, increased pulse, "butterflies in the stomach", "everything boomed", increased sweating, etc., as well as thoughts, for example: "This should not have happened", "this is a disaster", etc. Learn to recognize when sensations are amplified or worsened.

Learn more about relaxation exercises, try at least one of them — they help to cope with stress and increase self-control.

Remember that high anxiety occurs when you focus on yourself, your negative feelings and experiences, as well as thoughts that reduce faith in yourself and your strength.

By concentrating on the external situation, on the contrary, increases the ability to self-control and increases the likelihood of a successful solution to the problem. If stress is imminent, positive self-talk will help. Say to yourself:

What do you need to do?

You can come up with a plan to deal with it.

You better just think about what we can really do about it. It'll be better than worrying.

You can solve this problem.

You will be able to take control of the situation.

Solve problems as they come: do one thing after another, so it's easier to cope with a difficult situation.

Self-talk to counter stress and manage stress:

Just tune in — you can face this problem.

This tension can be an ally-it is a signal that we need to gather strength.

Relax, you're in control. Take a deep, slow breath.

When it gets scary, just pause.

Concentrate on the here and now. What do you need to do?

Perhaps the fear will increase. You'll be ready for that.

Don't try to get rid of fear, try to control it.

Soon it will pass. Been worse.

There will be no disaster — I can survive it.

At the stage of getting out of stress, be sure to praise yourself. Say to yourself:

It worked! You did it!

It wasn't as bad as you expected.

You've done more out of your fear than he deserved.

When you control your stupid ideas about disaster in your head, you control your fear.

When you train to manage stress, every time you get better and better.

You can be proud of yourself for such results.

Hurray! It worked!

Get a few cards (or notes on your phone) on which to write your "favorite" fears that become active during stress, such as "I will never learn to drive properly" — and write a counter, more realistic idea that reinforces your belief in success or is more similar to the truth, for example: "I find it difficult to learn to drive, but I try. Maybe not immediately, but most likely I will succeed.»