Money for each of us is not banknotes and numbers on an electronic account. Money (like other concepts - love, sex, work, etc.) is emotions and conditions. These conditions determine the amount and methods of making money in your life. Therefore, at first it would be useful to understand the personal history of money in order to understand these states, and only then to change them and or learn to manage them.
I will tell several stories of problems with money that ended successfully. In this article, I talk about how unconscious fears interfere with income growth.
Yana, 28 years old.
Yana finally decided on a profession at the age of 25. Unfortunately, she received her first higher education in a completely different field, so she had to retrain for three years.
Thus, by the time she received the diploma, Yana needed to start all over again - gaining a reputation, finding clients, positioning herself.
At first, revenue growth was gradual and directly correlated with work experience and the degree of fame in professional circles.
However, at some point it became clear that the proper growth in the number of customers, and, consequently, income does not occur.
In the process of analyzing unconscious internal obstacles that hinder income growth, two main fears were identified:
1. With an increase in earnings, you will have to spend more strength and energy on work, and this can lead to illness and even death.
The fear of overworking and getting sick was, so it turns out, so strong that with the mere thought that you need to work harder, the body shrinks, as if it should have been hit.
Interestingly, this fear was completely in the “blind spot” zone. He was, but was not realized by Yana, as a problem. And, all the more, as the reason that the unconscious shapes events so that in no case does a person die from overstrain.
After realizing this fear, Yana realized that an increase in the amount of work, of course, could affect her well-being, but not so much as to hurt, and even more so from her beloved work, she was not going to die.
This fear, blocking her ability to have many customers, was overcome.
2. The second reason for the unconscious desire to work less was the fear that with an increase in the amount of work Yana would have to devote less time to children.
Her own memories, in which she had been expecting her mother for a long time from work, turned out to be important here. And when mom finally came, she did not have time to play or at least sit with Yana.
Comparing this information with her real capabilities, Yana realized that nothing threatened her good relations with children. She devotes time to them in the evenings, and the children have enough of their evening readings, hugs and kisses. This reassured Jan.
So, what was the personal history of the relationship between Yana and the money before it was realized?
For Yana, money was a possible cause of health problems, as well as a threat to her close relationship with children. Therefore, money was dangerous for Yana.
And it doesn’t matter that all this could not happen, because for the unconscious, which controls all our processes and events, the subjunctive mood does not exist.
When Yana figured out that these fears are groundless, she immediately calmed down, and the unconscious opened her access to earning.
Literally within a week after this work, new clients began to come to Yana, and her income increased by an average of 2 times.