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Chinchillas. Home care and maintenance


photo from https://pixabay.com
photo from https://pixabay.com

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In pet stores near the cells with outlandish animals, buyers always stop. Indeed, it is difficult to pass by the touching tiny animal with indifference. But if a purchase decision is made, you need to become more familiar with the basic rules for the care and maintenance of chinchillas at home.

Features of the acquisition of chinchillas

It is best to purchase a beast at the age of nine months from the breeder. So that the baby does not feel lonely, it is better to purchase several chinchillas. An important point - it is undesirable to buy animals from different breeders, as this will exclude the acquisition of close relatives. With proper care, chinchillas live for about 20 years.

photo from https://pixabay.com
photo from https://pixabay.com

Chinchilla Food

The animal is fed twice a day. Be sure to follow the drink - fresh water should always be poured. With pleasure, chinchillas feast on carrots, nettles, dried apples. You can’t feed the animal with food from the table, you can’t also give sweets, fruits and vegetables - such food can cause serious illness up to death.

Chinchilla habits

Chinchilla is a night beast. During the day, they sleep, wake up in the evening and behave energetically at night, sometimes making loud rustling. This mode can create some difficulties for the owners, but over time, as you get used to the new environment, the pet will learn to sleep at night. Chinchilla can not be constantly picked up and played, as with a kitten or a dog - animals do not tolerate such treatment. However, if the owner’s behavior is quite restrained and careful, then the chinchilla will sometimes be allowed to scratch near the ear or take food from their hands.

What conditions do chinchillas need to create?

The first acquisition for the animal is a cage, large enough and spacious. Its minimum parameters are 100x80x40. If the size of the apartment of the future owner does not allow to establish such a cage, then you should not buy a chinchilla.

The door of the cage should be reliable enough and be at the top so that it is convenient to take the animal out of the cage, clean it, leave water and food. The bottom tray must be retractable, it is necessary to pour sawdust there and change them as they become dirty. A feeder, a drinking bowl, a lodge for rest, a bath with sand for bathing, a small piece of chalk for teeth should be placed in the cage.

The cage must be kept clean, periodically arrange spring cleaning. Having equipped the future housing of the animal with everything necessary, it is necessary to solve the problem of placing the cage in the apartment. First about temperature: for a chinchilla, the best option is from 18 to 23 degrees. In general, you need to remember what is very harmful for these animals:

  • Increased temperature conditions up to + 30;
  • Direct sunlight
  • Drafts
  • Noisy environment (working radio, tape recorder, etc.).

These animals often take a sand bath. For these purposes, special sand is used. The animals are periodically combed out, but this must be done carefully - this procedure is not always desirable for the chinchilla and loved. Feel free to contact the groomer in Moscow for help.

photo from https://pixabay.com
photo from https://pixabay.com

How to walk with a chinchilla

Daring to let the chinchilla out of the cage for a walk, the owner should be extremely careful. A variety of dangers can await a pet “in the wild”. For example, indoor plants are extremely toxic to him, he can fall from a great height, etc. It is also impossible to bring chinchilla to street walks, there are many infections dangerous to the pet. It would be better to prepare a suitable safe place for home walks, equipping it with some devices to maintain the chinchilla's mobility.

Coziness with other animals in the apartment

If there are already animals in the house, the owner should be extremely attentive, since with close contact chinchillas with a cat or dog, both sides can be injured. In no case should the animal be hooked into a cage where hamsters or guinea pigs already live. Chinchillas do not get along well with these rodents due to differences in diet and lifestyle.

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