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Hallstatt - Austrian fairytale by the lake, among the large mountains

Hallstatt is a small town lost in the mountains and located on the shore of Lake Hallstattsee (Hallstätter See). But, as they say: "Small, but good!" It is considered one of the most picturesque in Austria and in 1997, by a decision of the commission at UNESCO, it was added to the list of cultural heritage of universal significance even, but also because it retained its historical heritage with a population not exceeding a thousand people.

Perhaps this was also facilitated by the fact that until the 19th century there was no road to the city and it was necessary to get to it along a narrow path or by boat on the lake. And then there was a quiet, classic, alpine, postcard "wilderness."

But everything flows, everything changes, now when you leave the tunnel and find yourself on the Hallstatt embankment, the bustle of a big city immediately falls upon you: the noise of cars trying to park and crowds of tourists, mainly from China, all those who saw this city on postcards or in the selection of wallpapers for the desktop and could not deny myself the desire to see it in reality.

But, fortunately, this does not affect the beauty of the city, the incredible landscapes of the lake and old houses clinging to each other, descending along the mountain to the water, the spiers of churches and all this against the backdrop of a green bowl of mountains immediately catch your eye. And the first thing that comes to mind is not in reality, it's a fairy tale!

And you immediately fall in love with him and understand that this is for life. Big words, but it really happens.

Confirmation of this is the Chinese. Hallstatt was so struck by their imagination, it was decided to build a copy of it in his homeland. So in the province of Guangdong there was a double town. 940 million dollars were spent on its construction, and the construction was financed by the local company Minmetals Corporation, a major supplier of minerals and metal.

The history of Hallstatt dates back several millennia and is directly related to the mineral NaCl. Even the name of the town comes from the ancient Celtic word hall, which means salt. Since ancient times, the inhabitants of these places were engaged in the extraction of rock salt. Once upon a time there was a sea in these places, as a result of which huge salt deposits formed. Then the sea left, and the salt reserves were hidden under a thick layer of rock. Subsequently, as a result of some cataclysms, salt rose closer to the surface of the earth and people began to mine it, it was about seven thousand years ago.

There is archaeological evidence for this. In the middle of the 19th century, miners found human remains in the ore, then such finds were repeated, they were carefully described and sketched by a simple mountain foreman, for which he was honored and praised. And there were about a thousand such burials. It was established that the Hallstatt burial grounds date from about 900-400 years BC. e. and belong to the beginning of the Iron Age.


Archaeologists have found traces of Celtic and Illyrian settlements here. Similar findings were in other places in Europe. Even the term "Hallstatt culture" appeared. The name came from Hallstatt, the city is called Hallstatt, which is translated differently in Russian: sometimes “Hallstatt”, sometimes “Hallstatt”.

We got acquainted with the history, now we will go to get acquainted with the city. It is so small that you can get around it in half an hour, but this is if you do not consider anything. Its two streets stretch along the lake, or rather one of them, which was lucky enough to fit in a small piece of land located between the rocks and the lake. Others had to master the hillside, so the houses of the upper streets begin at the level of the lower roofs. They just hang over each other.

In this regard, the entry of vehicles is prohibited, only locals can move by car and then only to certain places.

Central walking street is lower. In the beginning, there is such a sculpture depicting an unknown salt miner. It looks tired, hard work to carry salt from the mountain to the valley, then rise again and carry again ... And so several times a day.

The houses are all textured, bright, drowning in greenery and flowers. Struck by trees, growing tightly pressed against the house. It looks very impressive. As it turned out, this is done not only for beauty. With this method, the number of fruits on pears, apple trees, cherries increases. Trees are located on the sunniest side. The wall of the house serves as protection against wind and cold air, while it serves as a support, and heated by the sun serves as a kind of heating.

Such trees bloom faster and bear fruit better, I was convinced of this, there were a lot of pears on the tree!

In Hallstatt, all houses are buried in flowers - both ampel and curly. They are everywhere - under the windows, on the balconies, climb the walls and cover them with flowering carpet.

Lushly blooming, fragrant, juicy, bright - they add color to the appearance of the town.

Each landlord is responsible for decorating their homes in Austria and in Hallstatt, respectively, and is trying to somehow outstrip his neighbor, and all other homeowners at the same time. And how local residents equip the territory near them!