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Among the many terriers, the Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is considered beautiful and attractive. Unfortunately, in Russia the breed is not too widespread yet, therefore we tell in more detail.
Breed history
The appearance of the wheat terrier in the country of Ireland is not completely understood. Therefore, many breeders are guided by a legend that tells how, after the sinking of the Spanish ships of the Great Armada in the 16th century. the surviving dogs of light blue color swam ashore.
Having settled in a new place, they were mixed with local Irish terriers, including Kerry Blue. As a result, a new terrier line of soft-haired wheat was born. Ireland was recognized as the birthplace of the new breed, despite the fact that Spain took an indirect part in its creation.
Starting from the 18th century, “Wheaten” quickly gained popularity among farmers who bred and used them as rat-catchers, hunters (mainly used as badgers and rabbits), guards and shepherds, calling such dogs universal helpers.
The date of recognition of the standard of the wheat terrier is called 1937, when such dogs appeared at the Irish exhibition after practical rescue and restoration of the breed, which was on the verge of extinction in the middle of the 19th century
After the exhibition performance of unusual terriers, in 1943, they were recognized by the English Kennel Club, and in January 2001 they received their own modern standard.
Breed today
Today, more than a hundred club organizations around the world are engaged in specialized breed breeding, but it has gained special popularity in England, the USA, Germany, other European English-speaking countries and Finland.
Therefore, it is often possible to see medium-tall (in the parks and on the streets of these countries) (height is about 50 cm, and the maximum weight can reach only 20 kg) square-shaped pets with thick wavy soft-silky hair without soft wheat (others, for example, white or red, unacceptable).
Irish Terrier Content
Maintenance is allowed both in a city apartment and in a country house. The coat is good because it is not susceptible to molting, but because of this, the owners will need to comb the dog every day with a metal comb and drive it to the trimming once a year. Otherwise, the generally accepted standard rules are observed:
- monitoring the condition of eyes closed with bangs, and small semi-hanging triangular ears with medium-long hair;
- regular visit to the veterinarian
- preparation of a balanced menu (special attention is paid to products for the musculoskeletal system due to the thin and light skeleton), although “millet” is generally unpretentious in food;
- daily active walks and training;
- training and socialization from early childhood.
In the family, the wheat terrier is distinguished by good nature, a cheerful disposition, obedience and devotion. Despite the fact that this dog does not have the status of a security breed, it can protect its owners and their property if necessary.
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