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How to walk a dog

photo from https://pixabay.com
photo from https://pixabay.com

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Many today have dogs. This is a very responsible decision, as a person assumes great responsibility. A dog is not a toy that you can throw enough. This is a living creature that requires appropriate attention.

If you have a dog, it is recommended to walk with her regularly. According to experts, this must be done correctly so that there are more positive emotions and no unpleasant problems. It is important that your pet is in good “shape”, not sick, and a cheerful dog. This is facilitated by the proper organization of her walking. How does this affect the dog?

Firstly, the dog communicates with you and there is an opportunity to form a deep and trusting relationship with her.

Secondly, it must be borne in mind that the dog’s body is prone to obesity with a sedentary lifestyle. If you have a small apartment and the dog does not move much, then it can quickly gain weight. Calories are burned during the walk and the dog feels better.

Thirdly, a dog can help you improve your mental well-being, as it will become a good stimulator of your physical activity. For example, you can run in the mornings, exercise, a dog can accompany you all this time. She can be your best companion. The dog will always be in good “shape”.

Fourth, communicating with you in a different social environment, the dog gains the appropriate experience. This undoubtedly educates the dog and does not lead to unpleasant incidents.

Fifthly, the dog has a feeling of loneliness. The fact is that dogs are social animals (in nature they live in packs) and, being in an apartment, experience oppression of such experiences. During walks, she receives the effect of the company when she gets rid of loneliness and receives an appropriate charge of communication.

Sixth, the activity of the dog and your enjoyment of its company takes a long time. This undoubtedly affects her physical and emotional state. These dogs live much longer.

Although many people know that they need to walk their dogs, studies show that few dog owners know how to do this. To help you, here are some tips on how to walk your dog.

 photo from https://pixabay.com
photo from https://pixabay.com

  1. Use a leash. When the dog is on a leash, you have complete control over it, and you are the one who dictates your will to it. The best way to hold the leash is by wrapping it around your arm while there is some space between you and her.
  2. Communicate with the dog. It is always recommended that you can train your dog while walking. You can conduct a different training session, but each time when the task is completed correctly, reward the dog with her favorite treat.
  3. Make your walk comfortable. How can your pet enjoy a walk if he is uncomfortable, for example, presses a collar? You must make sure that the leash is made of benign material. In addition, make sure that you apply comfortable pressure on him while walking. For calm, try not to go at noon, as it may be too hot for your dog.
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