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"Ah finally he asked me on a date! I'm sure he will like, and he will immediately understand what I gold " - you think and, looking forward to an incredible evening, fly to meet a man.

You sit in some nice restaurant and nice chat, but at some point you feel that the date turns into a difficult interview. The man begins to ask you uncomfortable questions that do not quite fit into your picture of the world. You get lost, blush, then turn pale, trying to figure out whether to answer him the truth, or to stand up and walk away proudly.

My dear, in this article I want to tell you about those that normal men do not ask. And if you hear them - it's a Wake-up call: turn on your female intuition to the maximum and be alert!

5 questions you should be alerted

How many men have you had before me?

No need to spread information about your life to the first comer. I'm asking you to turn off your pathological honesty. It is not necessary to list your crushes, starting with schools and ending with that guy from the club. Keep those fond memories to yourself.

Every man is an owner, and no matter what he says, he will not be very pleased if you begin to describe your intimate life in colors.

It is better to limit the streamlined phrase: "I had a serious relationship with three guys, love-carrots, met for a long time, but it did not work out”, and the number of “frivolous” I advise you to keep silent.

But, to be honest, I'm sure that psychologically healthy man such a question on the first date will not ask.

* Surely he, too, met until you with other women and understands, that and you not sat have window in anticipation Prince.

• Even if you was married three times – you will easily be able to hide it. Stamps in the passport have not put.

• A normal man realizes that the past to him is irrelevant.

Why is such a beauty still alone?

My dear, if there was a hint in his tone: "you're 30 years old and you're still single. What's wrong with you?"be careful. This is a clear probing of your personal boundaries and pain points.

Just say,”I haven't met a decent man yet that I want to live happily ever after." Or joke: "Waiting for someone like you. Maybe you're my destiny."Nice smile, defuse the situation and turn the conversation to a neutral topic.

Do you have your own place or rent?

My dear, that is an incorrect question. Even a man won't like it if you ask him, “do you have a flat-car?"What if I don't? Put a tick in an imaginary list “ " So, not a bummer, go on”"

What I'm saying is, a normal man doesn't care if you have your own apartment, he's not asking to be your tenant. He realizes that providing comfort for his family is a man's prerogative. If things work out for you, he'll be happy to bring you into his territory instead of living in your house on bird rights.

Answer: "I Shoot for two with a friend, with her more fun." If you have a weak man – he will understand that on your lip area can not roll out.

Read also: How to recognize a man-gigolo and time to jump (https://yaroslav-samoylov.com/svidanie/kak-raspoznat-muzhchinu-alfonsa-i-vovremya-sprygnut.html)

How much do you make?

You know, if that question came out of his mouth for a reason, I suspect he's looking to you for a sponsor. Don't name any specific amounts, he's not from the IRS. The correct answer is " enough for dresses and stockings,” and add, “how much do you earn? What income do you plan to reach in a year?”

My dear, even if you are successful, you provide for yourself – you do not need to report it on the first date. If he asks you “ " what do you do for a living?"add a little mystery. Not "I have my own business”, but" I Like to reduce debit with credit, I keep accounts”.

Your financial status is interesting only to beggars who are looking for free housing and a feeder.

A normal man is looking for in you very different qualities and absolutely will not look into your wallet.

And you're not seeing anyone but me?

In principle, there is nothing offensive in such a question, but a man who is confident in himself will not ask it. You can hear it from:

• Friend with tyrannical manners, who used to keep everything under control. Today he filters your Dating, and tomorrow will indicate what to wear and what lipstick to wear.

* Men with low self-esteem. Who is insecure and afraid to be a backup airfield. He knows that if someone appears on your horizon, the contrast will not be in his favor.

You just agreed to go out with him. You don't have to report how you spend your free time. The main thing-do not try to manipulate jealousy. Do not tell me that all the men in the office are in love with you and make two or sometimes three marriage proposals a day. Joke: "I'm very sociable, I do not like to sit at home” – and change the subject.

Read also: What women use men (https://yaroslav-samoylov.com/svidanie/kakih-zhenshhin-ispolzuyut.html)

How to behave? Rule of three " NOT”

* Don't be rude. Yes, you didn't like the question, but that's no reason to make a fuss about it. So the phrase “How dare you ask me that?"leave it at home. Just ask the man to change the subject and tell him you're not ready to answer that question yet.

* Not teach his life. So he asked, how old are you? Do not lash out at him with claims: "you do not know that such questions do not ask girls?"Joke, take the conversation aside. You don't have to give him a grilling in retaliation. Dear, if a guy causes you negative feelings-cute smile, think of a suitable occasion and say goodbye to him. Don't spoil your evening or his.

* Do not judge by first impression. If he asked you an unpleasant question-it does not mean that he is a boor, ill-mannered, which in the cave is the place. Perhaps the man was just overexcited and asked first, and then thought. Give him a chance to redeem himself in your eyes, but be on your guard!

And, my dear, please don't ask stupid questions yourself. Why did he break up with his ex, where does he work, what does he live on, does he want a family? It's the surest way to scare a man away.

Trust your gut! If the alarm bells get too much and the date starts to strain you, just ask yourself the question: "Is this man worth it that I spent my precious time?” From an unpleasant interlocutor, as well as from a boring movie, you need to leave!