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You know, relationships never fall apart in a second. Most often you live together years and all you have “like and well.” Pretty tolerable and adjusted life, there are topics for conversation, and sex is not on schedule, but the subconscious tells me: “ These relationships have exhausted themselves. Time to go.”

Let's argue, why is it so? And how not to miss this moment? How do you know that your love ship has become the Titanic going down?

From articles you will learn:

* How do you know that your relationship is doomed?

• Is it possible to rekindle the fire between you?

* Why reanimate a strange relationship?

How to understand that your relationship has exhausted itself? Do not read predictions in a dream book or go for the answer to a fortune teller. There are absolutely precise signs that will tell you that it is time to finish the novel.

#1: a Man not seeks pursue with you time

At the weekend he began to "run away" to friends for beer. On weekdays, he always has a meeting hours before 12 am. Even when your man is at home, all he sees is a computer and a plate of warm food.

No flowers, no gifts, no spontaneous sex. Maybe you think this is the end of the "candy-bouquet" period and this is the norm? But no.

If a man is interested with a woman, if he gets a cool quality communication, then he certainly will not come up with a plan to escape from your cozy nest.

#2: You give everything, and he gives almost nothing in return

It's my favorite subject. Only a woman can give a man what he did not ask for, and then weep with resentment: “Oh, he's such a goat. Doesn't appreciate me at all.”

Honey, let's compare your man to a car. You don't try to fill the gas tank with anything: you don't fill it with water, you don't throw sand, do you? Because you know that the car will go only on high-quality gasoline.

You're not pouring it over the edge, are you?

The man may not even notice what's for dinner, you're three-and-a-half-hour cooking stuffed duck with mango sauce, one and a half hours negligible your bed and put scented candles around the perimeter of your apartment, pre-polished parquet to hurt the eyes.

What would he see? Nice dinner, clean house, everything. If you do not” reveal to him the secret " of energy consumption, he will not even understand what sweat and blood was given to you this romantic evening. You'll be upset. Because “not estimated."

Remember, if a man didn't ask you for something, then it's not necessary for him.And manipulations on this subject he will not understand. Instead of blame and nagging, it is better to think about how to “relieve” yourself from what eats your time and energy and a hint to his beloved that would be nice “dinner in a Chinese restaurant” and invite the housekeeper to visit.

Another case, if your attempts in the kitchen and around the Ironing Board his whim. Then Yes, then indeed "goat” and” Daniel makes it" on you, as on horse. Do you really need this kind of relationship?

No. 3: mood Color purple

The man ceased to be interested in you and to delve into your life. Sometimes it's convenient: you went with your friends to the club, and he doesn't care. You decided to become a brunette, dramatically changing the image, and he did not even notice.

Do not argue, freedom is very cool! Just do not confuse freedom with lack of care. This behavior of his says only that he does not care where you are, with whom you and how you look.

In a normal, healthy relationship, there is always an emotional exchange and interest in each other. Imagine, you've put on a little weight: work-home, home-work, late dinners, no sports.

Your man:

▪ I gently hints: Look, I think you're too tired. Why don't you get a massage? I saw a sign outside our house. With me-10 sessions for my bees do. Rest, relax, exhale, work will not run away.”

▪ This does not react. Silent and squinting at your sides, and you notice that it has become a kind of cold. And then, one “fine” day, in his phone there is a new contact "Serega" with whom they communicate the whole days. Most often in the bath or toilet.

#4: when you try to talk to him, the caller is unavailable

Honey,you and I understand that everyone has problems, and they need to be discussed. But what if your man does not want to talk about anything? You try to explain something to him, you try to understand the situation, and he only closes himself even more.

In such situations, the chances to restore the relationship is almost there. And the relationship is gone, there is only you, who is trying to save "love".

#5: He doesn't care if you're happy or not

Now I'm going to ask you a simple question: “do you Know what kind of women men are willing to do anything for?"The answer in style:" Certainly, for the sake of beauties", - won't suit me.

The right answer-sake of loved ones.

A loving man always wants to please you, even in small things. Coming from work, buy your favorite flowers “as your grandmother.” Not go to a football game with friends on your anniversary, and book a table at a restaurant.

If a man stopped thinking about what pleases you, it is a reason to think. So he doesn't care if you're good or bad, happy or sad. The main thing that dinner was ready and the head did not hurt. Is this the kind of relationship you wanted?

Why reanimate a strange relationship?

If after reading this my articles you wanted take phone and write him: “Between us all over, insensitive brute!"Don't be in such a hurry.

You'll probably regret it in five minutes. 20 would get a stock of chocolates and eat them weeping, and an hour will call your friends and you will cry “under Vino”.

You'll want it back, I'm sure. Therefore, taking a categorical decision to leave, you need to assess the situation with a cold head: is he really a "goat"?

Your relationship is a little spoiled and they can be otrihtovat or they go to the bottom?

If you feel like breaking up will bring you ease, fine. But it also happens that you will be stupid in the heat of the moment, and then you will bite your elbows for a long time, trying to get a man back. Maybe it's not a disaster, it's just a period, and you'll leave without even figuring it out.

Is it possible to rekindle the fire between you?

I won't torture you with “smart” advice. You can patch all the holes in your relationship and make the ship of family happiness sail on, but on one condition: your man also wants it and is ready to revive your love together.

Force force partner be with you – it is unrealistic. Unless you know the art of hypnosis or Boxing techniques. But if the partner is willing to listen to you, all is not lost.

Try to figure yourself out, honey. Think “ " why is this? Maybe I'm not perfect. Maybe it's too early to let the dogs loose on a man and chase him out of the yard."Just let that thought pass, and you'll be surprised how many clues your subconscious will give you.