1. A kind of synthesis of the previous two options is a rather extreme method of multiple intentional errors.
That is, at each public performance You absolutely specially do something silly/ridiculous / inappropriate. And an important condition is that the way to make a mistake should not be repeated. Every time you have to invent a new way to do something stupid.
2. Another option to feel calmer and more confident is to imagine yourself in the opponent's place in the conversation (someone from the audience).
I did it when I was defending my thesis. Large audience. About 50 members of the academic Council: professors, doctors of Sciences. I went to this point a year and a half. It is a very exciting event, and its significance is great. What I felt in that situation? Of course, that now me start "lumping." They will ask a lot of questions, look for weaknesses, etc.
So I thought/felt until I looked at the professors as people, not as an image in my head, and imagined myself in the shoes of some of them. And then I realized that the situation looks completely different:
"I (the Professor), went from other city. Wearied. I met colleagues, many of whom are my friends. Would to chat and discuss news, jokes joke.
The applicant is a young man. Worries. I used to be in his shoes, and I was just as worried. Even support his want.
Another dissertation. Graphs, statistics, charts, figures. Boring... And behind the door of the hall is a free buffet. Hors d'oeuvres, drinks. I wish he'd finish."
As you can imagine, my excitement abruptly diminished after that. I will not say that it has gone, but it has become quite bearable.
Give it a try. Our excitement is often based on what we expect from others critical assessment. And often such expectations do not correspond to reality at all.
3. Ironically, to overcome the excitement helps the his desire to strengthen.
Paradoxically, attempts to cope with the excitement support him. This is an important element of the system, without which it will not work. So if you try to increase the excitement, the system fails.
But don't be creative here. Just imagine that You have something like a muscle responsible for excitement. And carefully try this muscle strain. In most cases, the result will be reduced excitement. In more rare cases is obtained strengthen his. But then (lo!) You control the state. You did it, purposefully, with an effort of will. So, the lack of control is lost. Be aware of this, and the condition is also likely to improve.
4. Let the excitement be.
This method acts on about the same part of the inner "cycle of excitement" - to try to cope with it. We're interesting creatures. We may have thoughts/feelings about thoughts / feelings. We can somehow relate to our condition or attitude. And so on. That is, our States can be as if multilevel.
In case of excitement, we are afraid of it. About the excitement we have to panic. And so there's a great way to deal with excitement - let it be. Just decide for yourself that " OK, I'm worried. Oh well. I'm gonna worry and keep doing what I'm gonna do."
5. "Legalization" of feelings.
When we try to hide something, it's kind of illegal. And then it's scary to show it, right? And the state is quite stressful at the same time.
Remember as a child, when something broke, you need to immediately tell your mother about it, so she then did not scold you?:)
Or another example. When in class I teach hypnosis and demonstrate trance, it happens that there are some sharp sounds (behind the wall or on the street), someone enters the classroom or knocks on the door, or suddenly the phone rings. It would seem that this should interfere with the session. But there is a wonderful technique called " recycling." Hypnotherapist pronounces what happened, so as to include what is happening in the process. And the unconscious client calms down, because the "extraneous" sounds have been designated as a matter of course: everything is normal, everything goes according to plan, so you can continue to relax.
That's about what we do with excitement. Pronounce. By the way, you've probably seen some speakers use this technique. "I'm very worried now...". Why would they say that? To legalize the excitement for both yourself and the unconscious listeners. "It's okay. Everything goes according to plan. He said he was worried, so it's part of the process."