It took me 9 years of work and constant training to understand that I understand psychology at the same time and not.
Let me explain what I mean.
Much of what used to seem unshakable and unambiguous, over time becomes more multifaceted, and now I find myself on the fact that I can not briefly and clearly answer some simple questions.
"What can it lead to?"
"Is that good or bad?"
- Why does it happen the way it happens?
Very often, when I hear such questions, something clicks in my head and before my inner eye appears a complex system in which there are many elements, various interactions between them, several levels of functioning, feedback mechanisms, many branches of the type "if, then...", different angles for consideration of the problem, from each of which we will see our part...
I hang for a second, trying to find an answer that doesn't end up in a two-hour lecture and that really clarifies something for the other person. And as a result, more and more often I answer something like "it is necessary to understand, it happens in different ways."
I remember myself at the beginning of my professional career. Everything was clear to me. I sometimes looked at the work of senior colleagues and thought: "What are they doing nonsense? I can deal with this client problem in 1-3 meetings!". How wrong I was...
And it is very sad that if you look around, the "requirements of the time", as it seems to me, are just clear quick answers and instructions. People want clarity and simplicity. To hyped categorical guru queues of clients, consultations cost tens of thousands of rubles.
People want answers. And little value questions. Although in my opinion it is the question and the search-the engines of personal development.
Recently, at a speech by a major specialist in the field of business consulting, I heard a great phrase: "Common recipes are for Amateurs. A professional always sees different aspects and reasons." According to the speaker, it looks like I'm a professional. It was nice to hear that from a man who had achieved so much.
It's funny to say, but I only recently began to feel confident, not answering anything specific to the question, to which there is no single answer. Understanding the versatility of the topic comes before the ability to talk about it with confidence and calm :) I Used to worry that I look like a charlatan who can not answer a simple question.
Now I have this idea. Since the final acceptance of the fact that not everything is clear, the next phase of professional development begins.
And the purpose of this period: continuing to learn the various aspects of a particular field of activity, to build a bridge between a deep and multifaceted understanding of this area and simple applied moments, understandable to every non-specialist.
Einstein said: "everything must be simplified as much as possible. But no more than that." In my opinion, around us, unfortunately, we see just that "more than that". And the problem of real professionals is often that we can not translate our knowledge and experience into a language understandable to those who do not work in this field.
It turns out this dissonance between what the charlatans queues, and professionals are often much less popular. And as a result, in my opinion, the role of psychology in society is distorted: instead of helping people to return to reality, "we" strengthen their illusions and infantilism.