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Stop worrying! 6 school problems of your child, which it’s time to forget about


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The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.

“How exactly do you teach reading - by the literal or syllabic method?” - a serious mom is asked with a notebook. “What program are you working on?” Is it “the twenty-first century” or what? ”, Anxious parents came to school and are trying to find out if everything is in order.

Of course, not all. Problems immediately catch your eye. There is a dangerous hook in the wardrobe, the mathematician conceals how the gymnastics-minute goes, it is not clear where the drawer is for changing and why the classroom looks at you with a squint. All this is cause for excitement.

But not always the child’s trip to school was a serious event in the life of the family. Some say that their parents did not know what was asked, nor what was the name of the “little girl,” nor that their child moved to the next class. Today it seems strange. Parents, not children at all, cry on the September photos.

The weekend assignment with the presentation is not done by the child, but by the whole family

The second class is not a joke. At the same time, half of the relatives know how to improve the school curriculum, while the other recalls the bright days when they were small and wrote with goose feathers. In the hype, many anxieties are born. Therefore, I decided to reassure my relatives a little and wrote about things that do not need to worry.

1. The textbook is terrible and incomprehensible

From birth, we try to surround the child with things of better quality. The most waterproof pants, the most curved electric guitar and even the instructions for the bicycle are masterpieces of illustration. Then a person comes to school, and parents are surprised to notice that poetry for the song “The mood color is blue” was included in the aesthetic development manual. But take your time to tear the textbook apart.

Many mothers somehow immediately yearn and rush to look for old Soviet publications with Lenin on the flyleaf

There, information was correctly submitted. They forget that today textbooks do not play the role that their parents have on it. If a child has difficulty, information is first searched on the net. And only when all the information on the Internet is over, they look at the book recommended by the ministry. Today you can learn without textbooks at all, which, you see, is very good. And I generally keep silent about those children whose sheets of study books remain uncut until next year.

Parents generally need to set themselves more ambitious tasks - not to buy a new textbook, but to make a new Internet, where the information is presented somehow more harmoniously, according to tradition, with a bookend and without vulgarity.

2. The teacher seems very strange

It seems to some that the teacher, as a pioneer, should be an example to all the guys, and you see that he often goes into a corner and there sings a song to his keychain.

Teachers often find fault with trifles: they should not post shocking photos in disabilty on Facebook, lose their temper, waving a ruler, and also make spelling mistakes in notes to parents.

In fact, the strangest type can instill in children a love of knowledge. And it’s even good that a person in a team with a rather dreary dress code managed to preserve a unique style and personality: a chemist in an acid-burned sweater, a mathematician-sociophobe, a rapper, a word-writer. The more different and unusual people surround the child - the wider his view of life.

Mari Vasilny is not allowed with pink hair, and Iraida Petrovna herself wears a touch of “eggplant”, yes, the world is amazing and diverse. The only thing you can’t put up with is psychological violence, but this is a completely different song.

3. The child has no friends

Dad went into the school wardrobe and noticed that the children in the counters use the word "quintessence." “And mine, dumbass! “Father thinks bitterly,“ he only knows what to sit on the computer ... Although his last operation against Colombian drug cartels was very bright ... ”

Calm Firstly, the guys with quintessentials in two weeks will be guided in the problems of Colombian citizens no worse. Secondly, there are almost thirty people in the class, and among them there will certainly be someone with whom your Pete will have fun and interesting to conduct clandestine correspondence and hide from the director. And a child who has not yet found comrades can be seen from afar: he has a dejected look and for some reason has no remarks "Chatted at a lesson."

4. There are friends, but some are not the same

Having established contacts with colleagues from the first desk to Kamchatka, the student brings home impressive stories and selected words. Grandmother-philologist in shock. How can you calmly talk about it, even if he puts the wrong emphasis even in reduced vocabulary ?!

Yes you can, of course. If you are still not going to change the school and there are no other indications for panic, it is foolish to continue the hassle. Express your “fi!” To new words and jokes, and the rest can be considered philosophically: all this is the knowledge of different aspects of reality.

For close friendship, a person will choose anyway someone with a similar life experience, with similar views, or at least with a similar manner of falling off a skateboard. The parent only has to create an interesting background for the child: vacations in the camp “Young sophist”, evenings in the circle “Fortune telling on the flight of the arrow” and so on.

5. Smartphones are banned at school

Yes, indeed, it is alarming: a guard is standing at the door, they are allowed to enter the school only by appointment, and they ordered the children to pick up the phones. The rule of disabling communication causes panic in mothers who require a message like: “Yes, I ate. Bun. Now we are solving an example. He raised a hand. I go out to answer. I got up at the blackboard ... ".

Alert the alarm! Your child even without Pokemon from a smartphone will find something to distract. Children have an amazing property of shutting down from the process and can avoid a perky lecture on set theory only with the help of a tube and chewed paper.

6. He doesn’t learn anything there.

A happy child comes from the school and in response to your question: “Well, what did you do today?”, You hear “Nothing”. This answer should not be taken literally. It can have different meanings: “Nothing worthy of editorial”, “Nothing particularly criminal”, “Nothing that would bring me closer to passing the test”. It's just that children often do not say so. They are not up to it. The guys are busy not so much with the development of the program as with other important things, for example, the development of the so-called soft skills: the ability to come to an agreement, work together, quickly recognize the intentions of a bully from a parallel class - and this is also very important, however, you will not tell your parents. What will they understand? Never mind.

A really effective way to get rid of worries about little things is to start worrying about larger adversities, for example, how to grow a person happy in a world that robots will take over.

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